Classroom Expectations 6 th Grade Science Tapp Tigers to the Top!
Why are having expectations important?
Entry Procedure Arrive on time and greet Mr. Shannon at the door Come in Quietly Go to your assigned seat Copy and complete the Warm-up Copy/Review the Agenda Copy the homework in your Agenda This should take place during the first 5 minutes of class
Heading Your Paper Your information goes in the top right hand corner of your paper Last name, First Name Date Period Please make sure you label your paper (Notes, quiz, section review questions/page etc.)
Class Participation Raise your hand Wait until I call on you Then ask your question You need to raise your hand and get permission to get out of your seat. If I’m giving direct instruction or if the class is discussing a concept or the warm-up please don’t raise your hand to ask to go the restroom or ask a question that’s unrelated to the discussion or lecture
Cont… No one should be talking while I’m talking or while someone else is talking PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are working in small groups or at your table please feel free to discuss ideas or concepts that are on task and related to the topic at hand when it’s appropriate
Trash Procedure Discard your trash at the end of the period unless instructed to do otherwise.
Bathroom Procedure Students can NOT go to the bathroom the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class. During that time you should be working on your warm-up, agenda, and copying your homework in your planner or finishing your class work. You can’t go to the bathroom during a class discussion, class lecture, or while I’m giving direct instruction
Restroom Procedure Ask teacher politely by raising your hand with two fingers up Sign out on the sheet, take the restroom pass Go directly to the restroom and return to class. Sign in when you return
Exit/Dismissal Procedure I’ll inform you when it’s time to pack up and time to leave Complete the T.O.D (Ticket Out the Door Clean your area and organize your things Make sure you push your chair underneath the table before you leave Leave the class in an orderly fashion
Tardy Procedure Come in Quietly Sign-In on the Tardy Log (Name, Date, and Period) Quietly give your tardy pass to the teacher and have a seat
Non-Negotiable No one will be allowed to disrupt the learning environment. No one will be allowed to disrespect anyone or anything in the learning environment.
Being Prepared Come ready to learn everyday Bring Required Materials each day to class. (Notebook or folder, loose leaf paper, and several pencils)
Collaborative Groups I need each person in every collaborative group to T.O.W everyday. T- Thinking (Flexing your intellectual Muscles) O- On Task and Focused Behavior W- Working (active engagement)- quietly and whispering
Keys to Success (Classroom Expectations) I will be on time. I will be prepared and come ready to learn. I will follow directions the first time they are given. I will keep my hands, feet, and personal objects to myself (No horseplay, No public displays of affection-hugging etc.) I will work cooperatively and successfully with my peers. I will not eat nor drink in class. (No gum, candy, etc.) I WILL RESPECT MYSELF AND OTHERS (No profane language, teasing, touching etc.)
(-) Consequences for Poor Choices Verbal Warning Written Warning-Parent Contact Action Plan-Parent Contact Administrative Office Referral Repeated Misconduct will result in additional Administrative Office Referrals
(+) Consequences for “Striving to be the Best” Individual verbal praise Homework Pass Positive phone call or note home Various Perks throughout the year (prize drawings) Incentive Celebration
6 th Grade Schedule PeriodTime Breakfast, Bathroom, Announcements, and Silent Reading 8:50am -9:14am Period 19:15am- 10:07am Period 210:10am-11-02am Period 3 (Tapp Apps)11:05am-12:35am Lunch (Line 2)11:17am-11:42am Period 412:38pm-1:30pm Period 51:33pm-2:25pm Period 62:28pm-3:20pm Period 73:23pm-4:15pm
Mr. Shannon
Morning Routine 8:50am-9:12am Greet Mr. Shannon at the Door 1. Use the Restroom before Coming to class Go to your Locker 2. Come in Quietly 3. Find your Seat 4. Begin Reading! 5. Eat Breakfast, clean up your area, and begin reading silently
Tapp App. Come in Quietly Silent Reading the First 10 minutes Complete Your Reading Log Lunch Schedule Departure Time: 11:13 (Bathroom before lunch) Lunch Time: 11:20am-11:45am Line 2 (Tables 24 and 25) Read silently after lunch
Summary Brainstorm a list of at least 5 things that you will do to make this a great school year.