Welcome Green Cove Springs Jr. High School Open House 7th Grade Regular and Advanced Math Mrs. Harvill
Please Make sure that you sign the “sign-in” sheet.
Objectives Prepare our students for 7 th Grade and Algebra Continued growth the FCAT Educate your child in Life Skills Teach them to be Problem Solvers
Major Concepts Major Concepts 7 th Grade Math Curriculum Map (MJ2) Year At A Glance First Nine Weeks 42 days Ratios & Proportions Proportional Reasoning Percents Addition & Subtraction with Rational Numbers Second Nine Weeks 43 days Multiplication & Division with Rational Numbers Numeric & Algebraic Expressions and Equations Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities The Power of Algebraic Reasoning Third Nine Weeks 45 days Angles Triangles Scale Drawings Circles Three-Dimensional Figures Fourth Nine Weeks 50 days Gathering Data & Randomization Comparing Inferences about Population Introduction to Probability Probability of Compound Events
Major Concepts Major Concepts 7 th Grade Math Curriculum Map (MJ2A) Year At A Glance First Nine Weeks 42 days Expressions and Equations Inequalities Modeling Geometric Figures Circumference, Area, and Volume Random Samples and Populations Analyzing and Comparing Data Second Nine Weeks 43 days Experimental Probability Theoretical Probability and Simulations Real Numbers Exponents and Scientific Notation Proportional Relationships Non-proportional Relationships Third Nine Weeks 45 days Writing Linear Equations Functions Solving Linear Equations Solving Systems of Linear Equations Transformations and Congruence Transformations and Similarity Fourth Nine Weeks 50 days Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines and Triangles The Pythagorean Theorem Volume Scatter Plots Two-Way Tables
Procedures Fill in Agenda Books Warm Ups Homework check Homework review and answer questions Teach new lesson/take notes/Activity Assign class work/homework
Class Work / Homework Homework is a continuation of class work Will usually be assigned from the workbook Will correspond to chapter/section we are studying
Grading Criteria Grades are determined by a combination of: Homework (10%) Class work (10%) Quizzes (30%) Tests (50%)
Supplies YOU WILL NEED: 3 Ring Binder / Folder with pockets and prongs Loose Leaf Paper Graphing Paper Spiral Notebook Pencils / Pencil Sharpener / Erasers Four Function Calculator Highlighters Red, Blue, or Black Pens Colored Pencils
Thank you for being here tonight!