Proactive Strategies for Prevention and Intervention
To develop campus systems and cultures which promote high attendance expectations and result in improved attendance
First step toward graduation starting in Pre-K ◦ Makes education important ◦ Creates engaged learners ◦ Keeps students on grade level Students who are present receive daily instruction Attending students are available for interventions and extra help Increased attendance is a district goal and part of strategic plan ◦ Generates more district funding ◦ Attendance monitoring takes a village
Strategic Tiered Systems and Activities at Tier I, II, and III Classroom and Campus Attendance Incentives
Establish procedures and support systems Monitor and review campus policies Identify attendance goals Plan school-wide incentives Communicate information regularly to parents, students, and staff Monitor attendance regularly and accurately
Update absences to tardies for late arrivals Take satellite attendance each period (library, nurse, etc.) “Attendance Matters” webinar Ensure School Messenger makes absence phone calls Hold conference with student and parent after 3 absences Hang posters in building indicating when and where to submit attendance notes; include contact name and number Hold class, team, or grade level competitions with rewards Have secondary students complete career interest inventories
Attendance in locations other than classroom ( office, library, ISS, counselor, etc.) Use different colored sign-in sheets each period in each location Collect and update attendance information every period
Secondary students via advisory Compulsory attendance Benefits Consequences Procedures for reporting absences
Possible Incentives stickers, certificates, recess time, homework pass, pencils, erasers, time with favorite adult, positive note home, classroom helper, grade level trophy or flag, uniform free day, unassigned cafeteria seating Classroom ◦ recognition, praise ◦ wall of fame ◦ prizes Grade Level or Team ◦ competitions ◦ flag or trophy ◦ homework passes Campus ◦ pizza, popcorn party ◦ prize wheel, drawings ◦ uniform-free day ◦ inter-campus competition
Take a few minutes to share attendance incentives you’ve used. Talk about: What have you used? Who monitored? How did it work?
Develop a campus level attendance committee Identify students with 4-9 absences Create and document intervention plans for groups and individual students Identify staff members responsible for implementing and monitoring plan Connect students to campus support programs Maintain parent communication; encourage engagement Monitor systems and procedures to ensure effectiveness
Purpose ◦ Develop monitoring systems ◦ Staff students at Tier II ◦ Examine attendance and leaver data ◦ Develop campus incentives and strategies Members—administrator, counselor, attendance specialist, registrar, (DPS, PSS, CIS when available) Agenda Items ◦ Data ◦ School-wide Systems and Activities ◦ Individual Student Problem Solving ◦ Student Watch List
Hold conference with student and/or parent Provide daily check in/check out for selected students Provide small group instruction (social skills, conflict management, etc.) Refer students to attendance committee or CST Assign weekly attendance contract Send attendance warning letter home Ask parent to view “Connecting the Dots” Assign Saturday school, tutoring, or college test prep Refer to campus support services (CIS, PSS, CARY, etc)
Identify students with 10+ absences Review current interventions and adjust Document attendance interventions in eCST Monitor progress and refer for CST staffing when needed Connect students with campus or community support programs Coordinate with court and other outside agencies Maintain parent communication and engagement Review and reevaluate campus systems and procedures to ensure effectiveness
Implement daily attendance contract Invite parent and student to attendance workshop Use campus-specific initiatives (TIPS, Premier, etc.) Refer to CST for more intensive staffing Discuss alternative education programs (Premier, AYC, etc.) Consider referral to Social Service Specialist in order to connect family to community services (Crossroads, Life Changers, SafePlace, etc.) Assign community service, tutorials, twilight school, etc. Initiate administrative withdrawals in coordination with DPS; ensure follow-up meeting with student and family Submit documents for truancy court filing
Team work Essential Roles Backup Supervisor ◦ Monitor ◦ Support Related Duties Child Study Team (CST) Training Student Family Staff
Dropout Prevention Specialists Campus Attendance Specialists Child Study Facilitators