To earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), you must complete: 30 credits (18 compulsory and 12 elective) 40 community involvement hours Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
Started grade 9 in (last year) Came to Ontario from another province or country and entered grade 10, 11 or 12 this year or after March last year Tried the test in the past but were unsuccessful Were absent or deferred in the past and are working towards completing the high school diploma
Thursday April 11 th, 2013 In 8:35 a.m. In your assigned 8:40 a.m. Starting at 8:50 a.m. sharp
You will receive an information sheet with a room number on it – this is where you will be writing your test Record this number in a safe place Room numbers will NOT be posted The day of the test, be in your seat by 8:40 a.m.
If you arrive within 30 minutes of the test starting, you will be escorted to your room to write the test You will not get any extra time The instructions will not be repeated
Your chances of passing will be jeopardized and you may have to write the entire test again next year Don’t be late! It will affect your chances of passing.
If you are absent for any reason (including medical emergencies), your score will be listed as “UNSUCCESSFUL” You will have to write the test again next year
Bring HB Pencils pens a highlighter Do NOT Bring iPods cell phones any other electronic devices notes, notebooks
2 booklets – 75 minutes each booklet 10 minutes for instructions before each booklet 15 minute break between booklets – snacks provided In each booklet: reading selections, writing tasks and questions
For students who have an Individual Education Plan or are English Language Learners: Extra time (up to double time) Accommodations as listed on the IEP (i.e. use of a computer, quiet space)
Teacher will direct you to your seat Your seat will remain the same for Booklets 1 & 2 Wait for instructions: do not open booklet until told Only open Booklet 1 and place Booklet 2 facing down on the corner of your desk Read instructions on the inside of each booklet and follow these carefully
Teachers cannot… explain, define, or provide examples answer questions related to the test
Listen to teacher’s oral instructions at the beginning of each booklet Work on your own Write clearly Follow all the instructions in the booklet
Manage your time Complete all tasks! Don’t leave anything blank Only use the space provided Use rough notes space
EQAO will report offensive comments to the Principal, Ms. McGinley Your chance of success will be jeopardized
Check your answers Put your head down on the desk quietly! DO NOT DISTURB YOUR CLASSMATES! You will not be allowed to leave early
pass or fail mid-June, you will receive a letter from EQAO with your results if unsuccessful, you will meet with Ms. Bazzo and/or Ms. Gillies to determine your next steps
Understand directly (explicit) stated ideas and information Understand indirectly (implicit) stated ideas and information Make connections between what you read and your own knowledge and experience
1. Information Paragraph: information & ideas on a topic 2. News Report: information in a news story 3. Dialogue: a conversation 4. R eal-life Narrative: a description of a time in a person’s life 5. G raphic Text: ideas presented in graphics such as schedules, diagrams, photos, drawings, sketches, patterns, timetables, maps, charts or tables
a. Multiple Choice: read and then select the best or most correct answer from a list of four options. Use the Student Answer Sheet. b. Open-response: read information paragraph, news report or dialogue and then answer 1- 2 questions based on the reading selection. Six blank lines are provided. Use them all, but don’t write outside the lines. Be sure to make connections between the text and your own experience
Developing a main idea with enough supporting details Organizing information and ideas in a coherent way Using writing conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation) to communicate clearly
1a. Long writing tasks: NEWS REPORT : using a picture & headline link the headline & photograph to an event use the one lined page provided to write your answer write about an event that happened in the past to inform readers of a newspaper include information about who, what, where, when, why and how (you can make up facts to make your story interesting) Keep in mind your audience : an adult reader of a newspaper
Small paragraphs Two to three quotes Specific details
Types of writing questions: 1b. Long writing tasks: SERIES OF PARAGRAPHS: expressing an opinion topic will be current and familiar minimum of 3 paragraphs : intro, body and conclusion two lined pages to write your answer support opinion : reasons, examples and facts audience: an adult interested in your opinion
2. Short writing tasks: write in complete sentences – use the number of lines provided for each answer. Be specific. 3. Multiple-choice questions: questions checking your understanding of the three writing skills – developing a main idea, organizing information and using writing conventions to communicate clearly. Record answers on Student Answer Sheet.
Answer on Student Answer Sheet in pencil Do not leave anything blank – guess if you do not know the answer To change your answer, erase incorrect answer and fill in the circle of your new answer Make correct answer darker
Use blue or black ink or pencil and write in the booklet on the lines provided Number of lines = expected length of answer Use rough notes space to plan answers, but write your response on the lined space To change your answer, cross out the incorrect part and write the new answer neatly DO NOT USE LIQUID PAPER / WHITE OUT
Go to Milliken’s website and click on the link on the front page to review this power point presentation Literacy Practice Booklets and Practice Test Go to: “English” Go to: “Student Resources” Go to: “Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test” Go to: “Getting Ready Guide”
We all need a helping hand.
Be confident! The LIT BLITZ prepared you. Get a good night’s sleep Eat breakfast We know you can do this!