REVELATION Chapter 10 THE INTERLUDE - PART 1 I.INTRODUCTION A.The sixth trumpet has just passed! 1. John 1:29
a) What the Lord is doing. (1) Those in heaven are seen as "sinless". (2) Those on earth have increased demonic worship! (3) More hardened against the Lord! (a) They must be judged for their sins!
2. This morning we look at an "interlude"! a) “Parenthesis" between 6th and 7th seals. (1) The Lord describe His mercy. b) Here we see another "interlude". (1) It speaks of the Lord's mercy!
(2) That "interlude" we study this morning! II.REVELATION 10:1 A.Scripture doesn't say who this angel is. 1. The Lord made Himself visible many times.
2. This may be the Lord Himself!! a) He is coming from heaven. (1) John 6:38 (2) Acts 1:10-11 b) He is clothed with a cloud. (1) The Lord directed Israel in a cloud by day
(2) He descended in a thick cloud Ex. 19:9,16 (3) A cloud covered the tent as the Lord filled the tabernacle. (4) Luke 21:27 c) A rainbow on His head. (1) Chapter 4 rainbow “around the throne"
(2) Rainbow symbol of God's covenant with the earth! (3) Ezekiel saw this same rainbow. (a) Ezekiel 1:28 (b) The cloud symbolic of coming judgment: (c) Rainbow symbolic of hope and promise!
(i) God has protected His own! d) His face is like the sun. (1) Revelation 1:16 (2) Matthew 17:2 (3) Malachi 4:2 e) His feet like pillars of fire. (1) Revelation 1:15 (2) Revelation 2:18
(a) Brass, and furnace represent judgment. (b) The Lord returning to judge the earth! (i) Very cool indeed! III.REVELATION 10:-2-3 A.Had a 'little' book open in His hand.
1. We translate this Greek word "booklet! 2. The booklet being "bitter - sweet" 3. It is divine revelation. a) Up to this point - has not been revealed. b) Perhaps regarding the two witnesses!
c) Angel told John not to reveal yet! (1) Will not know until we are in heaven! B.Set right foot on the sea and left foot on the land. 1. Not standing with His feet 12 inches apart!
a) Representative of claiming earth and seas and fullness thereof. b) They are His in the first place! C.A loud voice, as when a lion roars. 1. Sound of many waters.
a) Like standing next to Niagara falls! b) 1 Thessalonians 4:16 (1) His thunderous voice not something new. D.Seven thunders uttered their voices.
1. Psalm 29 "voice of the Lord" mentioned 7 times! 2. Right foot on the sea! a) “Right" symbolizes completion and authority! b) The Lord to use water as part of final judgment! c) There is mercy in the midst of judgment!
d) It will not bring total destruction! IV.REVELATION 10:4 A.As each commences, he makes some kind of announcement!
1. Maybe it is to those who dwell on the earth! 2. John not allowed to write them down! a) Another mystery to be revealed in heaven! V.REVELATION 10:5-7
A.Before the seventh angel things revealed about His plan! VI.CONCLUSION A.Revelation 10: John is instructed to eat the "booklet"!
2. It was sweet as honey but made him sick! 3. Last verse in chapter 10 gives us a clue why! a) John given task of writing Revelation! b) Light years ahead of all mankind? c) Proclaiming doom of millions of people?
d) John became "pastor of the world"! (1) His life was never the same. (2) He could never stop telling everyone! (a) Most wouldn't listen! (3) He could never stop praying for the world!
(a) Knowing billions would perish! (4) The burden was "bittersweet"! 4. Imagine what it was like? 5. I too know what is coming.