A Small Class (Ac.8:26-40)
I. Setting
The Setting: 1. Started with persecution Ac.8:1-3 Two amazing facts: 1 1 God was willing to send His children into harm’s way 2 2 Christians were willing to go, knowing what would happen
The Setting: 2. Started with busy people Philip was preaching in Samaria 1 1 Jonah found excuses not to go. Philip could have (desert; one man). 2 2 Abraham went immediately. Philip also trusted & obeyed.
The Setting: 3. Desert road, 26 Gaza: southernmost of Philistia’s five great cities Destroyed: 93 BC New city: 57 BC Old city became “Desert Gaza”
The Setting: 1. Persecution 2. Busy people 3. Desert road 4. Teaching as they traveled Recalls another Stranger who opened Scriptures to travelers (Lk.24:13-35) Use informal settings to teach eternal truth
I. Setting II. Speaker
The Speaker: 1. Not angel, 26 Angel gave directions to preacher. Ac.10:3, angel connected sinner w. preacher. 2 Co.4:7 Ga.1: K.13
The Speaker: 1. Not angel 2. Not Holy Spirit, 29 Identified Stephen’s next audience Ac.2, direct revelation to preachers Ac.10:44-48, HS ‘fell’ only after sending preacher (10:19-20)
The Speaker: 1. Not an angel 2. Not Holy Spirit 3. Not Apostle with Ac.6, had been with apostles Philip could work miracles (8:6-8) Philip could explain Scriptures (8:35) Eunuch: Word was enough (8:36)
The Speaker: 1. Not an angel 2. Not Holy Spirit 3. Not Apostle Philip was able to help him Providence Eunuch arrived in Jerusalem too late to hear Peter (Ac.2) Christians had left Jerusalem (Ac.8) God did not leave him in dark
The Speaker: 1. Not an angel 2. Not Holy Spirit 3. Not Apostle 4. Philip: a “layman” Acts 6... Acts 8:29 – Not a beggarNo meeting ads
I. Setting III. Sinner II. Speaker
A seeker Eunuch (Is.56:3-5). Mk.16:15 One man. Mt.28:19 Official of Queen Candace Hereditary title of Ethiopian queens. Political affairs beneath “divine” kings. Hereditary title of Ethiopian queens. Political affairs beneath “divine” kings.
Ethiopia (Gk.)
A seeker Eunuch (Dt.23:1; Is.56:3-5). Mk.16:15 One man. Mt.28:19 Official of Queen Candace To worship. Cf. Jn.12:20 Reading Scripture... on way home Very passage he needed most
A seeker Eunuch (Dt.23:1; Is.56:3-5). Mk.16:15 One man. Mt.28:19 Official of Queen Candace To worship. Cf. Jn.12:20 Reading Doesn’t look lost (as Ac.2, 9, 10, etc.) Religious, zealous, sincere, humble, obedient
I. Setting IV. Scripture II. Speaker III. Sinner
Ac.8:30-33 (Isa.53) Read without understanding Needed help: guide me No evidence any Jew in 1 st Century expected suffering Messiah Jesus taught disciples about Is.53 Jn.16:13 Mt.15:14 Suffer Submit Substitute Son of God
I. Setting II. Speaker III. Sinner V. Salvation IV. Scripture
Philip begins were the eunuch is. Preaches Jesus Person Person of Jesus: Messiah, Son... Plan Plan of Jesus: includes baptism Mt.3 Mt.28 Baptism Baptism (Person) (Plan)
Philip ends with words similar to Ac.2:22-38 Preached Jesus, Stop the chariot! TO...INTO...OUT OF (water baptism) Jesus saves (Is.53) We obey (Hb.5:7)
Eunuch’s beginning and ending Began: “I need help” Ended: resumed journey, rejoicing (8:8) He was lost; now found He was blind; now sees Christian…uses Bible… teaches sinner…baptizes him
Sinner: no excuses Preacher: no human creeds What if preacher brought... Book of Mormon Bible + Book of Mormon: Mormon Baptist Manual Bible + Baptist Manual: Baptist Presbyterian COF Bible + Presbyterian COF: Presbyterian Bible + nothing: Christian??