Worship Service Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy – Preacher Dn Kelvin Lim – Worship Leader Sis Chu Seong Yeng & Jasmine Low – Pianists Please switch off your mobile phone
Call to Worship
Command Thy Blessing From Above Hymn 5
1st Stanza Command Thy blessing from above, O God! on all assembled here:
1st Stanza continued Behold us with a Father’s love, While we look up with filial fear.
2nd Stanza Command Thy blessing, Jesus, Lord! May we Thy true disciples be;
2nd Stanza continued Speak to each heart the mighty word, Say to the weakest, Follow Me.
3rd Stanza Command Thy blessing in this hour, Spirit of truth! and fill the place
3rd Stanza continued With humbling and exalting pow’r, With quick’ning and confirming grace.
Last Stanza With Thee and Thine forever found, May all the souls who here unite,
Last Stanza continued With harps and songs Thy throne surround, Rest in Thy love, and reign in light.
Invocation & Gloria Patri Hymnal (inside front cover)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.
Scripture Reading in Unison Psalm 126
1 When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.
3 The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.
4 Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south.
5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Blessed Be the Name Hymn 31
All praise to Him who reigns above In majesty supreme, 1st Stanza
1st Stanza continued Who gave His Son for man to die, That He might man redeem!
Chorus Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! (repeat)
2nd Stanza His name above all names shall stand, Exalted more and more,
2nd Stanza continued At God the Father’s own right hand, Where angel hosts adore.
Chorus Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! (repeat)
3rd Stanza Redeemer, Saviour, Friend of man Once ruined by the fall,
3rd Stanza continued Thou hast devised salvation’s plan, For Thou hast died for all.
Chorus Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! (repeat)
Last Stanza His name shall be the Counsellor, The mighty Prince of Peace,
Last Stanza continued Of all earth’s kingdoms Conqueror, Whose reign shall never cease.
Chorus Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! (repeat)
Collection of Offerings Doxology & Prayer
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
How Firm a Foundation Hymn 328
1st Stanza How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
1st Stanza continued What more can He say than to you He hath said – To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
2nd Stanza “Fear not, I am with thee – O be not dismayed, For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid;
2nd Stanza continued I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand.
3rd Stanza “When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of woe shall not thee overflow;
3rd Stanza continued For I will be with thee thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
4th Stanza “When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
4th Stanza continued The flame shall not hurt thee – I only design Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.
Last Stanza “The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes;
Last Stanza continued That soul, though all hell should endeavour to shake, I’ll never – no, never – no, never forsake!”
Children’s Sermon & Scripture Memorization
Cheerfulness Proverbs 15:13 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
Cheerfulness Proverbs __:__ A _____heart maketh a cheerful ___________: but by ______ of the heart the _____is ______.
Cheerfulness _________ __:__ A _____heart _______ a _______ ___________: ____by ______ of the _____the _____is ______.
Pastoral Prayer
“Be Your Preachers’ Joy in the Ministry” Philemon 4-7
Take My Life and Let It Be Hymn 419
Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; 1st Stanza
Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of Thy love, At the impulse of Thy love. 1st Stanza continued
Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee; 2nd Stanza
Take my voice and let me sing Always, only, for my King, Always, only, for my King. 2nd Stanza continued
Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages for Thee; 3rd Stanza
Take my silver and my gold— Not a mite would I withhold, Not a mite would I withhold. 3rd Stanza continued
Take my love— my God, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store; Last Stanza
Take myself— and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee, Ever, only, all for Thee. Last Stanza continued
Benediction & Threefold Amen