Mrs. Kleimola’s Power Point Study Strategy for Exams
Use Power Point as a Tool for Study Consider using your computer’s presentation program as a tool for study. The slide show design mimics that of flash cards.
Key Terms Quiz yourself by placing the term on one slide and its definition on the next. For example:
Term Resistance
Definition The force provided by weights or other equipment that causes muscles to contract and extend.
Use Color Using color can be helpful for triggering your memory. Animation can also be a great tool.
Compare & Contrast Idea 1 The format of Power Point slides allows you to compare and contrast ideas or concepts that may be confusing. Idea 2 If you are required to write an essay exam including multiple ideas, this format can help you to organize your thoughts.
C3H3NC3H3N Images can be added to Power Point and they are a powerful memory tool.
Ebeneezer Scrooge Add graphics or photos to help create character sketches for novels you’ve read in English class.
Vladimir Putin This can be helpful for remembering key characteristics of political figures you’ve studied in history class.
Area of a Circle You can find images of just about anything online, including those that may help you remember formulas for math class.
CHAPTER 1 Outline
Use Section Headers in Your Textbooks Record key terms and concepts Use the bulleted list format to organize information
Create a Continuous Slide Show Add to your slide show as the semester progresses, creating a comprehensive review tool for your final exam.
Free Online Presentation Makers If you do not have Power Point on your home computer, you might try one of these free online resources: Prezi Google Docs You will have to create an account with each of these websites; this also requires you to have an address. Gmail is a great option.
Advantages to Reviewing with Power Point Save your review documents on your account. Access review documents on a smartphone, laptop, iPad, or other tablet. Print your review presentation, bring it to class, and use it for note-taking purposes. Share your presentation with your classmates and allow classmates to add ideas. Google docs is a great way to share documents. Ask your teacher if you can conduct an in-class or after- school review session using your presentation. Maybe you can receive extra credit, or at the very least brownie points. Teaching information to others is a great way to learn it more deeply yourself.
Good luck with exams! Visit Mrs. Kleimola in her library office for more testing tips or her at