Chapters 10-13
This is going to be sort of a random session, here’s what we’ll cover (not in order): Tough topics of the Respiratory System Chapter 13 (to be studied on your own time) Topics from chapter 11 & 12 Anything else you’re confused about We haven’t had a chance to go over everything so study study study!
What I have written in my test review notes from 2 years ago: Know your basics about HIV AIDS kills t4 cells and depletion of these causes immune deficiency Table 13.2 (pg. 314) Anti-HIV drugs Look over the study questions he put online! I recognized a lot of them from when I was in the class
Question: Which STD do you think is the most common? Answer: Chlamydia
Dr. Moody made a note that the book left out syphilis so be sure to review the PowerPoint on that! STDs and STIs are both used in the book. STI = infections = the name (ex: Chlamydia) STD = diseases = symptoms of the infections
STDs can be 3 different types, or agents. What are they? Hint: We cover the three different types in chapter 12 too relating to the immune system Hint 2: The 3 rd group is “other”
Bacterial, Viral and Others Here are some STIs, put them into categories! Genital warts, Hepatitis, Yeast, Syphilis, Pubic Lice, Gonorrhea, AIDS, HIV, Herpes, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, HPV
What’s PID (no, not the number on your student ID…) Pelvic Inflammatory disease
Cause of PID? Fun(?) Fact: It’s the #1 cause of infertility in females – PID leads to scarring of the fallopian tubes.
You know that video he shows in class like every single day now? We’re going to watch it. You’re welcome. Yell out what you don’t understand! p?storyId=
Ready, set…. BOARD RACES. Get in teams! These are a little broader so you may bring your book/notes but it is a race so fastest team wins.
Name 3 differences between bacteria and viruses
Starting with the kidney’s, name the path of the urinary system (4 things min.)
Name the path of air through the respiratory system (5 structures minimum)
Name 4 ways infections can be transmitted from one source to another
Write the four chapters that are going to be on this test. And what they are about.
Now that we’ve mentioned the four chapters… Which one do you think you’re the most lost on? Which one do you think is the easiest? Any questions so far?
Chapter 10 (Respiratory) Know the pathway Know what smoke can affect Know what structures do when you inhale/exhale Know a little bit about vocal cords
Chapter 11 – Urinary System It gets really confusing, but if you have basics down, you’ll be ok. Know the pathway and what your kidneys do pH, salt and water balance in the blood Kidney processes
Chapter 12 We’re not done with this in class yet, but personally think it’s the most in depth UNDERSTAND THAT VIDEO! Really read the text and understand his PPTs Have written in my notes “go over this stuff on your own because Moody tells too many stories” Pay attention the next couple days in class! It will make or break you on this test.
Chapter 13 You have to cover this on your own so: ▪ Read and understand Dr. Moody’s PPT ▪ Read and understand The book PPT ▪ Read and understand the textbook chapter ▪ Do Dr. Moody’s posted study questions****** ▪ Do the study questions at the back of the book Spend some time on this! (Thank goodness for 3 day weekends…)
Do all the study questions he posts! At least once. Sometimes it’s exact wording. Go to his office hours! While you’re studying jot down a couple things you don’t understand – he’s good at explaining them. Start studying NOW. I know it sounds crazy, but there is a lot of material to cover. Put in an hour or so a day and you won’t be overwhelmed on Monday/Tuesday.
Anyone got any other study tips? Anything that helped you from one test to the next?
Outline everything! You’ll be familiar with general concepts It really breaks down the information Realize that it’s really not too much material
Take the rest of the time to do the following, in groups or on your own: Outline chapter 13! Compare with others’ outlines Write on the board, on a piece of paper, whatever any other questions you have. We’ll cover them Thursday & next Tuesday Write an outline for any of the other chapters I’ll come around to see if you have questions!