Tammy SimmsEspañol 1 (Señora Simms) Español 2
(preferred) Voic World language office:
Be prepared Be respectful Be a participant
Total points Cumulative semester exams Quizzes, tests, daily homework 10 participation points per week Late work: deduct one letter grade per day Extenuating circumstances: talk to me!
www4.smsd.org/tammysimms District website -> students -> teacher web pages Lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
Quizzes, vocabulary and grammar practice, games, flashcards, videos, culture, etc. Spanish 1 activation code: Spanish 2 activation code:
Make flashcards Study EVERY NIGHT instead of cramming Use on the textbook website* Say the words out loud as you study Study with a partner Watch Spanish television and/or use subtitles Listen to Spanish music Speak Spanish every chance you get Teach your siblings Spanish Visit my web backpack
Thursday, September 23 ◦ 5:00-8:00 ◦ In the mall ◦ 5 minutes Friday, September 24 ◦ 7:30-3:00 ◦ By appointment only ◦ Submit a request by Friday to the office
Fun! College $$$$ Improve English Converse in the US Better jobs ACT/SAT Travel Be well-rounded Improve English Cultural understanding
Kansas students who took the SAT studied “Foreign or Classical languages,” on average, for 3 years Years of language Critical ReadingMathematicsWriting ½ year or less years620 (133 pts.) 618 (92 pts.) 605 (143 pts.) AP633 (146 pts.) 632 (106 pts.) 626 (164 pts.)