Parent Open House Miss Baker C ex 5674 Spanish
Spanish I Expectations: Language learning is a process that requires much practice and A LOT OF MEMORIZATION Study some each night…seriously Make flashcards and quiz your student if possible Come to class prepared (binder, book, paper, pen, positive attitude) Practice speaking outside of class (sorry the songs are annoying, but they help) Check my website for upcoming events/homework Spanish I is for high school credit AND factors into high school GPA! - Saying that, this class will require more work than what your student may be used to. Even the pace of our course moves more quickly so reviewing notes, vocabulary, verbs is VITAL throughout the year!
Study Tips/ Things you should know I quiz 1-2 times a WEEK Students ALWAYS have homework in my course Depending on how well students memorize things, I would spend 30 minutes a night studying vocabulary/verbs Homework when checked for completion is graded on a 0-4 basis. 4= completed/tried it ALL 3=most of it done 2= half of it done 1= little done 0= none done.
Choice 1 English/ Spanish 1. tree el árbol Choice 2 flashcards Side 1- picture Side 2- Spanish Example for vocab el árbol
Write the difficult words over and over on a piece of paper. Divertirse Have spelling tests: Parent/Sibling says english word “cat” Student writes: el gato More examples for vocab
Course Requirements A= B= C= D= F= 59 and below The GRADE AVERAGING is aligned with the high school and will be as follows: Cumulative Assessments 35% (i.e. end of unit tests, projects, bigger quizzes) Developmental Assessments30% (i.e. quizzes, small projects) Activities20% (i.e. homework, in-class activities, bell ringers) Final Exam15% Students who earned a grade of C or C- are strongly encouraged to repeat the course in ninth grade. Students who earned a D+ or lower must repeat the course in ninth grade to remain eligible for a Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma. Students need three years of 1 language to receive Honors Diploma or 2 years of one language and 2 of another
Helpful websites My website: updated with hw, upcoming event, important reminders! ME!! I also have these websites for extra help: – good for extra practice- check it out! – book website- still working on getting online books available –online dictionary This website has an app too Spanishdict app Good Spanish dictionary which says the words aloud