Identifying Funding Sources: How to Search for Funding Opportunities for Graduate Research and Study in Social Work Mara West Graduate Funding Information Center The Graduate School 307 Bynum Hall
2 Topics for Today Funding fundamentals Tips for researching funding opportunities Funding databases Setting up funding alert service/s Funding guides and print resources Funding agencies Proposal writing help
3 Funding Fundamentals Start early Plan ahead for your long-term funding needs Be aware of lengthy turnaround times Use a variety of resources, including print, electronic, and especially people Become familiar with sponsors in your field Check for funding offered by your department, professional organization, honor society, and other affiliation groups PDF Handout: Funding FundamentalsFunding Fundamentals
4 Tips for Researching Funding Opportunities Look for funders with a good fit - identify their goals or needs Widen your search - look at the larger field and approach your work from different perspectives Brainstorm broad and specific keywords Types of awards sought PDF Handout: Tips for Researching Funding OpportunitiesTips for Researching Funding Opportunities
5 Funding Databases COS Pivot Funding Opportunities Database Large, multi-disciplinary funding database – search, create accounts, receive alerts Carolina Internal Funding Database Information on funding provided by or administered by UNC-Chapel Hill Foundation Directory Platinum Database with information on ALL foundations in the U.S. Some resources are accessible through cooperative collections at local librariescooperative collectionslocal libraries
6 Graduate Funding Information Center
7 Funding Alerts, Guides, and Print Resources Funding Alert Services Sponsor-specific alerts Subject-specific alerts Funding Guides General guides for graduate students Discipline- and population-specific funding lists Print Resources at GFIC Money for Graduate Students series Financial Aids for Special Populations series
Funders and Funded Databases of Awards Made Used to find out who and what was actually funded Faculty Expertise Information on research activities of faculty Funding Agencies Links to important sponsor information 8
9 Proposal Writing Resources Successful Proposals Collection Carolina graduate students’ successful proposals General online proposal writing guide s Foundation Center’s “Proposal Budgeting Basics” Proposal writing guides “Developing Competitive SAMHSA Grant Applications” SSRC’s “Art of Writing Proposals”
10 Thank You! Start early Think broadly Gather information Strategize Please take a moment to tell us how we did: