Accessing the Woodlawn Website & STI Parent Portal Presented by: Sims Smith & Judy Broussard
To Access the Woodlawn Website:
To Access the Woodlawn Website Homepage: 1. Log onto the Internet:
STEP ONE: The Internet
To Access the Woodlawn Website Homepage: 1. Log onto the Internet. 2. Type in the Woodlawn website address:
STEP TWO: Web Address
To Access the Woodlawn Website Homepage: 1. Log onto the Internet. 2. Type in the Woodlawn website address. 3. Browse using the BLUE links:
Step Three: Links
To Access Specific Class Information: Click on the “School Staff” Link on the left-hand side of the page. Select the appropriate teacher. Follow the links for Announcements, Assignments, Other Class Info, etc to find out what is going on in your students’ classes.
To Access the STI Parent Portal: To request a Parent/Guardian login to InformationNow, contact Judy Broussard at Open a Web browser window and type in the following address: Enter the User Name and Password provided by the school. Click Login. (The first time a user logs in, password will be reset for security purposes.)
InformationNow Passwords: The school will provide the initial user Password when a User Name is assigned. To change the Password, enter the new password and then retype the new password in the field provided. Passwords MUST meet the following criteria: 1. A minimum of 8 alpha-numeric characters. 2. Must contain at least ONE number and ONE letter. 3. Cannot be password, pass, administrator, or admin- choose something specific that you will remember. 4. Cannot be the same as the User Name.
InformationNow Homepage: Once a user logs in, the Homepage will display district announcements and hyperlinks to further information. To view specific students’ information, click the dropdown list in the upper right- hand corner and click on the appropriate name. Select the current Academic Session from the dropdown list.
InformationNow School Calendar: There is a link for the School Calendar on the left-hand side of the page. Events and attendance days are automatically displayed; events appear as blue hyperlinks, regular attendance days show hours of operation, and non- attendance days are shown in gray. The calendar provides Month, Events, Schedule, and Both viewing options.
InformationNow Student Information: Click the Attendance link on the left to view details; for further information about a specific absence, click on that date. All absences for the year display by default; to select a specific grading term, select it from the list given. There is a link to View Check In/Out records. There are also links to view Demographic, Discipline, Schedule, and Grades information for students.
InformationNow Reporting: Parents and guardians have the option to generate reports from InformationNow. To generate a report, select it from the list on the left, select the grading period in question, and click View Report. 1. Comprehensive Progress Report 2. Report Card 3. Standards Report Card 4. Unofficial Transcript
InformationNow System Preferences: Users may elect to Go Green. Participants who select this option will receive from the school announcing when progress reports and report cards are available for online viewing. Go to System Preferences| Settings, enter a primary address, and click the Go Green button. An will be sent from the school when electronic versions of reports are ready.