INTRODUCTION Zambia is a land-locked country Estimated at 750,000 km2 in size Bordered by eight countries Falls Zambeziana biome and Afromontane elements
INTRO CONTD Miombo woodlands dominant species 5,500 vascular plant species 233 Mammal species 731 Bird species 200 Fish species
Genetic and Biological Resources Endowment Agricultural crops Forestry resources Domesticated and wild animals Nurtured and maintained by local communities Through traditional management systems/practices Rich biodiversity currently threatened through erosion and loss
Name and Type of Genetic Resources No data on prospected Genetic and Biological Resources (scanty) No definite information on ABS On-going bioprospecting believed to cover medicinal, pharmaceuticals, veterinary, wild teas and vegetables etc. Botanical and Zoological Taxonomy collections done and recorded.
Actors involved Overall mandate under Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources (MTENR) Composition of the MTENR – ZAWA, FD, ECZ, TDD, ENRMD, PID, NM, NHCC Stakeholders – NGOs, Private sector, Civil Society, projects-JFM, CBNRM, CRBs.
Use of Genetic and Biological Resources in Zambia Traditional Medicine Refer to table given However, no guidelines for bioprospecting No penalties for any violations
Types of ABS Agreements General Permits, MOUs, Special Permits etc. Based on National Policy and legislative frameworks. Example, Missourri Botanical Gardens of USA
Agreed Benefits No clear guidelines on benefits However, MOUs do stipulate some ABS issues
Benefits Realised to-date Data on collected wild species related to agriculture crops Zambians work as counterparts to international experts Capacity building in herbarium samples handling and management
Direct contribution to Poverty Reduction Policy formulation addressing CBNRM initiatives Improved livelihoods and income generation in piloted areas
Lessons learnt Limited skills in processing and management of genetic and biological resources Lack of governance and accountability in the management of genetic and biological resources Lack of understanding on issues of patenting and IPR regimes related to ABS
Lessons Contd Lack of adequate understanding of the impact of CBD in association with 27 (3b) on TRIPS and WTO issues. Policy development process that are all inclusive
Way Forward There is need to develop an Access and Benefit Sharing regime for Zambia by reviewing the current relevant legislation to help remove the existing ambiguity on ABS. There is need to initiate Access and Benefit Sharing regimes pilot programmes on specific genetic resources bioprospecting in Zambia
Way forward Contd There is need to facilitate and develop capacity in ABS regimes implementation and management by all stakeholders involved particularly the main actors. There is need for mainstreaming ABS regimes into National Policies and Legislation, including development plans and strategies.
Way Forward Contd There is need to facilitate and document existing ABS regimes in practice in all community based natural resources management programmes that have been implemented in the country to date i.e. forestry, wildlife, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine.