Unit 4 lesson 4 Virtual Tourism. Map of the World New Zealand China.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 lesson 4 Virtual Tourism

Map of the World New Zealand China

Currency New Zealand dollar Life Expectancy 78 GDP per Capita U.S. $20,100 Literacy Percent 99 Population 4,107,000 Capital Wellington; 343,000 Area 270,534 square kilometers (104,454 square miles) Language English, Maori Religion Protestant, Roman Catholic New Zealand Flag and Fast Facts

National flag National bird Kiwi bird( 几维鸟 )

奥克兰 New Zealand The capital city Auckland Wellington 惠灵顿


Auckland ‘s beach

Auckland Sky Tower and cabbage tree Two symbols of New Zealand – the Auckland Sky Tower and a cabbage tree – stand side by side. The cabbage tree is a hardy native, growing almost anywhere. Auckland's Sky Tower is the country's tallest building, at 328 metres high.

The city is near the sea.


Population Location History Famous sights Climate less than a million On North Island **Maoris settled 650 years ago European settlement began in 1840 Warm, plenty of sunshine **Mt Eden; * Parnell village;* * Auckland Harbour Bridge; * Sky Tower; *Auckland museum;* 2. Read the text and complete the table below.

1. True or False? Listen to the tape, are these statements true or false? 1) Auckland was once the capital of New Zealand. 2) Auckland is located on North Island. T T Reading

4) Maoris were the first people of New Zealand. 5) The climate is suitable for water sports. 6)The article refers to us Auckland is popular as a traveling city. T T T 3) Sky Tower is Auckland’s tallest building. F

3. Match the topics a-f with the five paragraphs in the text. a) the history of the city b) travel links c) things to see in Auckland d) night-life in Auckland e) for water lovers f) New Zealand’s largest city

Mt Eden It’s known as its volcanic hills

Parnell village

Auckland Harbour Bridge

Auckland museum

Sky Tower

Match this information with the words in blue in the text. These are called “hot words”. On a real internet page you can “click” on these words to get more information.

1. New Zealand produces iron and steel, machines and cars. 2. The first people of New Zealand came from other Pacific islands. business and industry Maori

3. The capital of New Zealand is on the Cook Strait, which separates the two islands. 4. This bridge is one of the city’s most famous sights. It was built in New Zealand does not allow nuclear materials anywhere in the country. Wellington Auckland Harbour Bridge nuclear-free zone

1. locat 位于,坐落于 The new building will be located in the center of town. 这座大楼将建在市中心。 Their factory is located at the foot of the mountain. 他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。

2. settle vt., vi. 定居;使定居 My son has settled happily in America. 我儿子已在美国愉快地定居了。 安置;安顿 We are settled in our new home. 我们住入新居。

落下;栖息 The insect settled on a leaf. 一只昆虫落在一片树叶上。 使平静,使安静,使镇静 Wait until the excitement has settled down. 等到兴奋的情绪镇静下来再说。

Speaking Imagine you have a weekend in Auckland. Choose places you would like to visit and things you would like to do. Then work in pairs. Plan a weekend together in Auckland.

AucklandZhongshan populationless than a million 人口约 235 万 locationin North Island 位于广东省珠江三角洲南部 The Pearl River Delta historya history of 650 years 距今有 800 多年历史 Famous sights Mt Eden; Parnell Village; Sky Tower; …… 石岐步行街 ; 孙中山故居 ; 紫马岭公园; …… Climatewarm; plenty of sunshine 气候湿润,多雨;全年平均 气温约为摄氏 22 度 Pedestrian Street Former Resident of Sun Yet-san

Writing Write an to a pen friend who is from America about Zhongshan. 1. Introduction/history Zhongshan located: …… general: modern/beautiful city population: almost_______ history: …….

2: Things to see: Places to visit:…… 3: Things to do: Sports: tourism: Wugui Mountain

· 奥克兰市位于新西兰北岛的北部,北 临万格帕奥半岛,南靠帕帕库拉,其中 间狭长处仅 25 公里宽,绵延 80 公里,是 一个地峡形城市,沿着北部的,人口约 为 96 万。奥克兰市海岸线长,多帆船, 号称 " 风帆之城 " 。 据说奥克兰帆船总数 对人口的比率是世界第一位。

奥克兰是新西兰最繁华的大都市, 有皇后之都的美称。它不仅是新西 兰第一大城市,而且还是全国最重 要的经济中心,最大的商业和金融 中心。 · 奥克兰四周是海滨、岛屿、天然森 林,景色怡人,且气候温和,极适 合水上活动