Irvine Campus Satellite Mission Viejo campus opened 20 years ago on the Saddleback College campus Satellite Mission Viejo campus opened 20 years ago on the Saddleback College campus Fall 2002 leased building and opened to 2,410 students as CSUF El Toro Campus Fall 2002 leased building and opened to 2,410 students as CSUF El Toro Campus Now known as CSUF Irvine Campus the BRANCH campus located on the former El Toro Marine Base 19 miles south of the Fullerton Campus Mission Viejo Site Current Irvine Campus
Student Services Areas Admissions, Registration & Cashiering Admissions, Registration & Cashiering Student Affairs Student Affairs Open Computer Labs Open Computer Labs Library Library Quiet study areas Quiet study areas TSU Lounge TSU Lounge El Toro Café & Bookstore El Toro Café & Bookstore
Irvine Campus Student Affairs Located in Room, IRVC-101 Located in Room, IRVC-101 Web site: Web site: Have any questions? Have any questions? –Ask an Advisor online We provide We provide –ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT for GE, University policies & procedures, academic probation, and major advisement –Co-Curricular Learning opportunities –Disabled Student Services –Financial Aid counselor –Learning Assistance (Tutoring/Study Groups)
GE Program Overview The GE Program is organized into 5 categories for a total of 51 units minimum: I.Core Competencies (9 units) II. Historical Foundations (12 units) III.Disciplinary Learning (27 units) IV. Lifelong Learning (3 units) V.Cultural Diversity (3 units*) *Not an additional 3 units as this category is simultaneously satisfied with a course from either III or IV.
ACADEMIC STANDARDS Grading Policy GE Academic Standards Academic Probation
GRADING POLICY Traditional Grading Option Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F Grade Point Value Units earned Yes NO If you need to complete a class with a “C” or better, C- will need to be repeated C-, D+, D, D- will earn units. D- is not passing and will need to be repeated (units are earned for a D-)
GRADING POLICY NON TRADITIONAL GRADING OPTION Non-traditional Grades Units EarnedImpact on GPA CRCredit YES NONE NC No Credit NO NONE CR/NC Advisory Caution CR/NC Advisory Caution Administrative Symbols I Authorized Incomplete NO NONE ICIncomplete Charged NO “F” WAuthorized Withdrawal NO NONE WU Unauthorized withdrawal NO “F”
Academic Probation Students are on academic probation whenever either the CSUF or the cumulative GPA drops below 2.0. Students are on academic probation whenever either the CSUF or the cumulative GPA drops below 2.0. Students who transfer with a GPA between 2.0 and 2.5 are at risk for academic probation because they have little margin for error. Students who transfer with a GPA between 2.0 and 2.5 are at risk for academic probation because they have little margin for error. Being on probation is a warning that your academic performance must improve or face disqualification from the University. Being on probation is a warning that your academic performance must improve or face disqualification from the University. If you are at risk for probation ( ), we encourage you to take fewer units in the first semester. If you are at risk for probation ( ), we encourage you to take fewer units in the first semester.
Transitioning to Upper Division Studies Upper division classes, in general, require more self-discipline and initiative. Upper division classes, in general, require more self-discipline and initiative. There may be fewer “student supports” such as study guides or review sessions. There may be fewer “student supports” such as study guides or review sessions. In upper division courses students engage in more integrative thinking and produce work that reflects their own synthesis of the materials learned in and out of class. In upper division courses students engage in more integrative thinking and produce work that reflects their own synthesis of the materials learned in and out of class.
Tips for Success… Seek consultations with your instructors during office hours. Utilize all resources available! Seek consultations with your instructors during office hours. Utilize all resources available! If you decide to drop a class, be sure that you follow the University procedures and verify (by checking your TITAN portal) that you are no longer in the class. If you decide to drop a class, be sure that you follow the University procedures and verify (by checking your TITAN portal) that you are no longer in the class. Be aware of important deadlines…the University closes the window for dropping within the first 2 weeks of the semester. Be aware of important deadlines…the University closes the window for dropping within the first 2 weeks of the semester.
Resources California State University, Fullerton Catalog California State University, Fullerton Catalog –May purchase in the Titan Bookstore –View online Policy, rules, regulations Policy, rules, regulations Degrees, majors, programs Degrees, majors, programs Academic Departments Academic Departments –MAJOR REQUIREMENTS –COURSE DESCRIPTIONS
Registration Tutorial ONLINE Learn how to navigate your way through the online registration process. Click here Learn how to navigate your way through the online registration process. Click hereClick hereClick here
What’s Next? Please download and print the following attachments. Now that you have concluded the student services portion you are able to register for an Academic Advisement Seminar.