Academic Writing for Publication and Academic English at National Research Tomsk State University November 2014/February 2015
ACADEMIC WRITING FOR PUBLICATION Offered at TSU since October 2014, the semester-long course Academic Writing for Publication helps professors and postgraduate students wishing to publish an article in English in an international scholarly journal learn to: find and effectively utilize electronic databases and citation indexes identify international journals in their fields and topics recognize types of journals: traditional/hybrid, pure open access, and predatory
ascertain a journal’s status on Scopus and Web of Science evaluate impact factors and rankings review the contents of a journal’s recent issues, including abstracts and full-length articles, with attention to references read and analyze a journal’s website for topics covered, types of articles accepted, article processing charges, and requirements for authors in manuscript submission choose target journals understand current international ethical standards for authors, and prepare for peer review.
Course members are encouraged and supported in writing articles directly in English. Topics covered include: developing an article that is based on current international scholarship on the topic, and on current methodology; establishing relevance writing in the style required by the target journal principles and characteristics of academic English, and common issues for native speakers of Russian writing in English elements, structure, and organization of research and non-research articles organization of the writing process, and use of technology
writing the abstract, introduction, and literature review, and considerations for the other sections and the conclusion, and dealing with manuscript preparation and submission requirements, including the presentation of the references.
In , course members were from the social sciences and humanities. Two of them succeeded in preparing articles that were accepted and published in a journal included in Scopus and Web of Science (one in philosophy, one in a field of history). A number of other authors have reached peer review, and others have been accepted for conferences. In to date, quite a few physicists, biologists, and other “hard scientists” have joined the course. Coursework involves weekly readings and discussion, hands-on activities, and at least 2 individual consultations with the instructor. Members earn certificates for full completion of the course and all activities. The course is conducted entirely in English, with no translation.
ACADEMIC ENGLISH This semester-long course, new in October 2014, is designed to support professors and postgraduate students in writing and speaking in English in the ways that are now demanded by their academic work in an international environment. Some of the topics covered include: principles and characteristics of academic English, and common issues for native speakers of Russian in writing and speaking academic English using sources of information for writing and speaking in English for academic purposes writing effective s and letters for various purposes developing and writing articles for publication
following one’s topic in international journals writing abstracts in English for Russian-language articles writing abstracts for conferences making a presentation at an international conference, and answering questions understanding a presentation at an international conference, and asking questions, and developing a CV that is vetted in English.
SOURCES The main sources for both courses are: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Manual), Sixth Edition The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), Sixteenth Edition English for Writing Research Papers by Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2011) For Academic English, additional sources are: English for Research: Usage, Style and Grammar, Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2013) English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing, by Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2011) English for Presentations at International Conferences, by Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2010) Course members are also provided with various online and other resources, including a number of materials developed by the instructor on special topics (there is a complete listing of all sources and materials).
Additionally, the instructor monitors and analyzes information, events, and trends related to publication in international scholarly journals, and makes this information and analysis available to the University and to individual faculty and staff members seeking support in publishing in English. Jean Kollantai, MSW (University of California Berkeley, University of Alaska Anchorage) Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Social Work Tomsk State University