Lissabon2000 OAi 21.9.2000 Eberhard R. Hilf, Thomas Severiens, Kerstin Zimmermann Institute Science Networks Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg Germany.


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Presentation transcript:

Lissabon2000 OAi Eberhard R. Hilf, Thomas Severiens, Kerstin Zimmermann Institute Science Networks Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg Germany Distributed Open Archive for Physics 1

Lissabon2000 OAi Open Archives for Sciences Vision : All Databases; independent providers Means : One open machine readable interface Realizations: specific providers, fields, user-groups 2 History: Workshops at Halle 1994, LANL 1994 Examples: DINI; Math.Net, Phys-Net

Lissabon2000 OAi  REQUIREMENTS :: SERVICE PROPERTIES  widest visibility :: open and free access  infinite workforce :: open software sharing  professional content :: only professional authors  author‘s rights :: author as owner  Institutions rights :: local operators  uptodate :: local Data Bases  searchable :: unique DC Metadata 3 Distributed Databases

Lissabon2000 OAi  DATABASES:  All Physics Institutes Worldwide websites  33 local HARVEST gatherers  local document lists ( documents)  website operators -list  229 Dissertation archives in 18 (EU)- countries) 4 Status in Physics

Lissabon2000 OAi Author‘s tools The Future of Mathematical Communication 1999 Berkeley, California, December 1-5,

Lissabon2000 OAi  reads DC, OAMS, in rdf CURD [2001] (Global Info)  routes to ArXiv [eprint], 10 publishers [Metaphys]  helps readers with author tools [MMM]  offers add-ons: jobs, teaching, free journals, conf.  helps local operators with operator tools [Wuf1]  unbiased services: open set of research institutes  independence by Charter for joining of Societies  stable service by worldwide mirrors (clones) 6 Distributed Services - Status in Physics -

Lissabon2000 OAi

Lissabon2000 OAi The Future of Mathematical Communication 1999 Berkeley, California, December 1-5,

Lissabon2000 OAi The Future of Mathematical Communication 1999 Berkeley, California, December 1-5, 1999 Upload:  Starting point of workflow  Dublin-Core MetaData  Description from the author‘s view  Rights contract 9

Lissabon2000 OAi  AAO Newsletter (Newsletter Anglo-Australian Observatory)  APEIRON Studies in Infinite Nature  Brazilian Journal of Physics  Complexity International  Condensed Matter Physics  Engineering and Laboratory Notes  European Physical Journal - EPJ direct  Fizika A (Zagreb), Fizika B (Zagreb)  ICFA Instrumentation Bulletin  Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP)  Journal of the Physical Society of Japan ... Free-access Journals

Lissabon2000 OAi The Future of Mathematical Communication 1999 Berkeley, California, December 1-5, 1999  Generation of MetaData  Document-upload  Digital Signatures  RDF 11 Global-Info SFM CARMEN Doc. Management Systems

Lissabon2000 OAi Terms: Quantummechanics* Classical mechanics **** Electrodynamics** Statistical mechanics** Acoustics ***** Optics**** Lecture Notes & Navigation Service

Lissabon2000 OAi Information Input  Names  Addresses  Areas of research  Memberships  Publication lists Global service types  Contact-information (Name, Address, Telephone,...)  Research information  Legal Information 13 Personal Information

Lissabon2000 OAi Personal Homepages  contain all needed information  names  links to publication lists  description of research-activities Advantages  Information up to date  rights stay with author Problems  highly incoherent syntax  personal layout  highly dynamic information Solution  Professional Homepages  Upload Form  Metadata  Global Search 14

Lissabon2000 OAi The Future of Mathematical Communication 1999 Berkeley, California, December 1-5, 1999 Web-Form Personal Homepage Qualified Professional Homepage 15 Developed together with R. Schwänzl and J. Plümer

Lissabon2000 OAi Common Structure for Homepages  Dublin-Core application   Departmental Information

Lissabon2000 OAi All services: See Dlib-Magazine article