Fast for Hope World Community Service in Action Haiti --- Many needs, Many Opportunities. A Presentation by District 5960 Fast for Hope
Fast For Hope Questions Why Haiti? Why Water? What can Rotarians do? What results to date? What is needed next?
Haitian proverb: “Beyond mountains there are mountains” …as you solve one problem, another problem presents itself, and so you go on and try to solve that one, too.
Water is a Significant Problem in Haiti 6.8 million people live in Haiti; 70% in rural areas, illiteracy is 90+% life expectancy <49 years under 5 mortality rate is 129/1,000 infant mortality rate is 83/1,000 Haiti is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere
Water is a Significant Problem in Haiti Haiti occupies western third of Hispaniola, largest island in the Caribbean Haiti is predominantly mountainous The Central Plateau is primarily rural and covers about 13% of the total land mass
Water is a Significant Problem in Haiti Poverty in Haiti is endemic Deforestation has reduced water retention Hurricanes continually damage Securing water takes 4+ hours/day Sanitation almost non-existent Education is required for long term change
Water is a Worldwide Problem Nearly one in five people have no access to clean drinking water Deaths from diarrheal diseases, caused by contaminated water, could be prevented 80% of these people live in rural areas of the world where in many cases water is collected from remote locations.
Water is a Worldwide Problem Over 1.3 million children die each year from doing something that most of us never give a second thought to. In countries, towns, and villages throughout the world, contaminated water and it’s related health effects- waterborne pathogens, bacteria, dysentery, cholera, hepatitis A and E, and typhoid fever- are the second leading causes of child mortality
Water is a Worldwide Problem The inability of communities to manage water and sanitation systems and practice personal hygiene contributes significantly to the health situation and predominance of diseases linked to poor hygiene and unsafe water.
It is a Problem that Rotarians can do something about
Rotary International Focus on Water January 2005 Rotarian Multiple WCS water projects around world
Rotary International Focus on Water Research shows that improved access, water management, and hygiene behavior can significantly reduce disease rates. And this can lead to greater educational results as well
It all began with water projects undertaken by District 5950 in Haiti
Haiti Safe Water Plus Project History District 5950 has raised over $250,000 for safe drinking water projects in undeveloped countries Through a number of pilot projects, District 5950 developed a long-term strategy that focuses on: Providing safe drinking water in communities in Haiti’s Central Plateau Selecting World Vision as the local partner
Haiti Safe Water Plus Project History District 5950 recently received matching funds from Rotary International for year one of three. World Vision matches the money raised by Rotary District 5960 has joined with District 5950 to fund Haiti Safe Water Plus
2004: Year in Review District Goal: Raise $30,000 Raised $28,000 or 93.3% of funds 16 wells total drilled 1 st well inaugurated in July at Ti Kanpech 5 wells in Rio Onde ADP Health & hygiene training & education sessions launched
District 5960 Project 2004 Goals: Haiti Safe Water Plus Provide safe drinking water for people living in the area of Thomassique, the Rio Onde ADP (Area Development Program) “the most desperate water situation” The Rio Onde ADP is one of the ADP’s having: “the most desperate water situation”
Current Status of Safe Water Plus Visioning trips to Haiti in 2004 “on hold” until civil unrest is under control A number of 5960 Rotarians will finance their own trip with District 5950 and World Vision representatives to tour the Rio Onde in the Central Plateau Region of Haiti Visits planned with local Rotarians and Haitians to identify sites for water systems and other humanitarian projects that Rotarians can participate in
2005 Goals Raise additional $30,000 for 2005 commitment Explore option for working trips to Haiti in mid-2005 to: evaluate results determine additional needs identify future sites for 2005 and beyond
2005 Goals Drill and install pumps on 30 new wells Repair up to 35 pumps Launch intensive training program Build 400 family-owned latrines Build 4 parts depots for storing spare parts
For more information: Visit the District website Resources: Information on Haiti Contact information Club goals
Together, we can do this! District 5960 District 5950 Let’s make our goals! Please give Fast for Hope your generous support!
Service Above Self It is what Rotary is all about Thank you