Manufacturing Statistics in Namibia By Reinhold Kamati Central Bureau of Statistics National Planning Comission Namibia
Manufacturing Statistics in Namibia Introduction Coverage Issues of Concern
Introduction Manufacturing includes all establishment classified in division of ISIC. All of them are market producers. This industry is a potentially dynamic part of the Namibia economy. Average annual contribution to GDP stands around 14%.
Introduction Manufacturing includes all establishment in division of ISIC All market producers This sector is potential dynamic of the Namibia economy Average annuall contribution to GDP stands around 14%.
Coverage Around 90% of manufacturing establishments are covered. (Concentration in urban area). Instruments: Questionnaire, financial statement (In extreme cases) Data is collected annually and on quarterly basis. Latest Census was done in 2003/04, and thereafter annual surveys.
Issues, Challenges and Problems Most challenges we experience are the following subsectors: a) Wood and Wood products - More no standardized products - High illiteracy - very mobile, too individualistic no regulating body. b) Bakery products - no stand alone firms which engage in production of bakery products
Issues continue……/ In most cases this activity appears as secondary activity for wholesale and retail industry. Other problems borders on lack of finance and absence of dissemination policy. Thank you.