Research Problem In one sentence, describe the problem that is the focus of your classroom research project about student learning: In my large-enrollment introductory biochemistry class, many students turn to rote memorization instead of concentrating on gaining scientific inquiry skills. Having good scientific inquiry skills has been shown to help students learn concepts and ideas at a deeper and more meaningful level (National Research Council, 2001 and Haak et al., 2011). Haak, D.C., HilleRisLambers, J., Pitre, E., and S. Freeman (2011) Science, 332, 1213 National Research Council, in Pellegrino, J., Chudoesky, N., Glaser, R., Eds. (2001) Knowing What Students Know: The Science and Design of Educational Assessment, Committee on the Foundations of Assessment, Board on Testing and Assessment, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Center for Education, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, pp
Research Question What is your research question? Does the combined use of podcasts, in-class assignments and computer simulations help students make gains in scientific inquiry skills and content acquisition in a large-enrollment introductory biochemistry class? What is the context (e.g. class setting, student audience) in which you will conduct your research? Second-year introductory biochemistry class that has over 500 students split into two lecture sections that meet 3 times a week for 50 minutes. There are 24 laboratory sections, and each lab section meets every second week.
Interventions The following have been introduced into the course: 5-10 minute podcasts on the following topics: protein structure and function, pH and buffers, protein purification, enzymes and enzyme kinetics, carbohydrates and metabolism, and lipids collaborative in-class assignments given on a weekly basis where students are given data from a journal article, and asked to analyze the data (from hypothesis to conclusion) computer simulations on buffering, enzyme kinetics and protein purification, where students can perform online experiments that allow them to test different parameters through an iterative process
Research Methods GoalResearch methodData collectionData analysis Are students gaining scientific inquiry skills? VASI: validated instrument to assess Views About Scientific Inquiry (obtained from Renee Schwartz) One-group pretest-posttest design Χ 2 test Are students acquiring biochemistry content? Biochemistry concept inventory One-group pretest-posttest design Paired samples t Scores on midterm and final examinations (pre- and post-introduction of the interventions One-group pretest-posttest design Independent samples t test
Alignment of Research Question and Methods This is why I think it aligns: The VASI instrument is meant to measure views about scientific inquiry. By administering this instrument at the start and at the end of the semester, I will be able to study whether any gains were seen. By administering the biochemistry concept inventory at the start and at the end of the semester, I will be able to study whether students have gained a better understanding of general biochemistry concepts. I will also examine the grades on midterm examinations and final examinations for the 5 years during which the interventions were not present, and for the 3 years during which they were. This should provide me with a good comparison of the effect of the introduction of these interventions. The data will help me answer my question by: By using these experimental measures, I will be able to determine whether the interventions I have introduced into my introductory biochemistry class have promoted gains in scientific inquiry skills and content acquisition. This will help hopefully convince other biochemistry educators to use non-traditional teaching approaches, that are not only focused on content, but also on gains in scientific inquiry skills.