Writing for publication Why is it an important lect?
Writing for publication Tips for writing for publication or any assignment. How to avoid writers block Its all in your head (writing is as easy as writing in your diary) Fear of being judged (more people are going to read it).
Writer's block The condition varies widely in intensity: It can be temporary difficulty in dealing with the task at hand. At the other extreme, some "blocked" writers have been unable to work for years. Some have even abandoned their careers.
Writing for publication For example if you are writing a drug report on propranolol, instead of saving the file as drug report you can save it as what is propranolol. Your literature review on diabetes ( what other people said about diabetes)
Writing for publication Tips: Keep writing find the best time for you. Fresh not tired. What's the best time for you? 1-3 am 3-5am 6-9 am 9-11am No interruption, just write no checking spelling grammar, no s,phones or other distraction
Write for 1 hour a day every day is better than 9 hours continues. More productive You start to love writing and not hate it.
Most articles published in the professional literature are not earth shaking pieces of research some of the most valuable are simple practical tips on how a pharmacist solved an everyday problem.
Brain storm
Once the topic is identified: Next step : read related articles that have been already published Ex: A pharmacy resident wasted two or three months growing bacteria in intravenous& parenteral nutrition solution only to find out that microbiology researchers had published the same study nearly 10 years earlier.
More tips: Read books about writing well Read publications that are well written & well edited( emulate them) same for assignments. Write every time you can(practice,practice) Take a course in grammar or other skills that need improvement.
Writing for Publication Begin with the easiest part. Method Tables, figures ResultsDiscussion Conclusion and introduction references
Next step : Revising Proof reading ( give it to some one else to read)
Writing for Publication Submission for publication.
Peer review process Analysis of submitted articles by experts who are not part of the journal's staff. It is often used to determine an academic paper's suitability for publication.
Peer review in biomedical publication Two question in mind: Is Paper interesting to the reader of this journal Is it accurate & clear in its presentation.
Peer review process Editors decision: Accept for publication. Revise before publication. Clarify before a decision can be reached. Reject.
Peer review process Editors decision: Accept for publication. Revise before publication. Clarify before a decision can be reached. Reject.
Peer review process Double blinded system. Partially blinded system. Fully open system.
Copyediting Correction and preparation of a manuscript for typesetting and printing.
Pharmacy literature
Structure of The medical Literature Much of scientific and medical literature, including the pharmacy, is divided into 3 categories : 1. Primary literature. 2. Secondary literature. 3. Tertiary literature.
Primary literature Original research article & case reports. E.g. Randomized controlled trials FDA report Annuals of pharmacotherapy. Student pharmacist BMJ Pharmacotherapy Lancet
Secondary Literature References that either index or abstract the primary literature with the goal of directing the user to the primary literature. Abstract :A short summary of an article. A brief description of the information provided by the article.
Secondary Literature (IPA) International Pharmaceutical Abstracts. It was created by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP). It electronically provides abstracts of pharmacy literature from around the world. Could be searched by Toxline a searchable computerized database its available through avoid, EBSCO etc….
Index medicus: Available online as PubMed (medically oriented)
Science citation Index: Previously Published articles and all subsequent articles. Ex: Suppose that you are preparing a paper on heart transplant. You could look in SCI for one of the early articles on heart transplant, and there find all articles that cited the original works. Provides a valuable check on the accuracy of computerized literature searches and provide a way to come forward in the literature.
Tertiary Literature Books and other summaries of broad topics. Textbooks Applied therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs. Pharmacotherapy.: A pathophysiologic approach. Remington