Content and Organization a manuscript American Psychology Association 指導老師:任維廉 教授 報告人:徐文華 2015/06/04
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Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 1928年,一群心理學和人類學期刊主編擬定一份七頁的寫作指南,列出期刊編輯審稿依據供投稿者參考 指南於1929年刊登在美國心理學會所出版的Psychological Bulletin 1952年正式出版為「美國心理協會出版手冊」,稱為APA Style Manual,其所採用的寫作格式就是APA Style Science 1892
Introduction Research is complete only when the results are shared with the scientific community Scientific journal Build on existing work, contributing something new The writing process requires a thorough review and evaluation of previous work. The answers to questions about the quality of the research will determine whether the study is worth writing or is publishable. Consideration of authorship and types of articles will suggest who get that credit , how that credit is given, and what basic organization of the article would be most effective. Consideration of the traditional structure of the manuscript. Quality Authorship Structure
I. Quality of Content 1. Designing and Reporting Research As an author, you should know how editors and reviewers evaluate manuscripts 2. Evaluating Content If the research is sufficiently important and free from flaws to justify publication?
Quality of Content -Designing and Reporting Research Following defects you should avoid: Piecemeal publication The reporting of only a single correlation The reporting of negative results Failure to build in needed controls Exhaustion of a problem
Quality of Content -Evaluating Content Checklist based on Bartol, 1981 Is the research question significant? Is the work original and important? Have the instruments been demonstrated to have satisfactory reliability and validity? Are the outcome clearly relate to the variables? Does the research design fully unambiguous test the hypothesis? Are the subjects representative of the population? Did the researchers observe ethical standards? Is the research advance enough? Is the research question significant? Is the work original and important? Instruments to have satisfactory reliability and validity? Are the outcome measures clearly related to the variables which the investigation is concerned? Does the research design fully unambiguous test the hypothesis? Are the subjects representative of the population? Did the researchers observe ethical standards? Is the research advance enough?
II. Characteristics of Authorship and Articles ─ Who receive primary credit and hold primary responsibility for a published work Types of Articles Empirical Review articles Theoretical articles Other Length, Headings, and Tone
Characteristics of Authorship and Articles -Authorship Who write the article Who made scientific contributions to the study Joint authorship major contributions made by several person Acknowledge in footnotes minor contributions The name of the principal contributor should appear first
Characteristics of Authorship and Articles -Types of Articles Report of empirical studies Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion Review articles Defines and theoretical articles Summarize previous investigation Identify relations, contradiction, gap, and inconsistence Suggests the next step Theoretical artificial Other brief report, comments, replies
Characteristics of Authorship and Articles Length, Headings, and Tone 1 printed page = 3 manuscript pages Headings Help readers grasp the paper’s outline and the relative importance of the parts of the paper Tone Present the ideas and findings directly but aim for an interesting and compelling manner
III. Parts of a Manuscript Title Page Abstract Introduction Method Result Discussion Multiple experiments, reference, appendix
Parts of a Manuscript -Title Page Title summarize the main idea Don’t use abbreviations in a title The recommended length: 12 to15 words Manuscript has a by-line consisting of two parts : Author’s name and affiliation A title should summarize the main idea of the paper simply and, if possible, with style
Parts of a Manuscript -Abstract A brief, comprehensive summary All APA journal except Contemporary Psychology require an abstract. Abstract for Empirical study: 100 to 150 words Review or theoretical article : 75 to 100 words A good abstract Accurate : correctly reflects the purpose Self-contained : define all abbreviations and acronyms Concise and specific Nonevaluative Coherent and readable
Parts of a Manuscript - Introduction Introduce the problem What is the problem? How do the hypothesis and the experimential design relate to the problem? What are the theoretical implications of the study, and how does the study relate to previous work in the area? Develop the background State the purpose and rationale
Parts of a Manuscript -Method How the study conduct Enable the readers to evaluate the appropriateness of your methods and the reliability and the validity of your result. Identify subsections Subjects Who participated in the study Apparatus Procedure
Parts of a Manuscript -Result
Parts of a Manuscript -Result
Parts of a Manuscript Discussion Multiple experiments Reference Evaluate and interpret their implications Emphasis theoretical relate to the results Multiple experiments Describe the method and results of each experiment separately Reference Appendix
Parts of a Manuscript -Reference
Parts of a Manuscript -Reference