Presenters Lion Dave Large IT and Your Lions Club D
Using The Internet To Help Your Club Software, what packages are available District Directory’s Protecting Your PC D
What Can Be Found On The District Website? What Can Be Found On The Multiple District And International Sites? Club Websites, District Hosted Sites D
Having a Club Website increases your exposure and helps promote your club and its work to a wider audience. There are a number of options for setting up a site. S
We offer a standard template, that is then configured to suit your club. Cost is approximately £8 every two years. For this you get your own URL (website address) and addresses. Will be updated when you send us updates. Sorry we do not have time to trawl though weekly news, directory and Lions Roar to find content for you. Woodbridge send a press release to the media each month and this is dropped straight into their site. S
Microsoft Office – The standard that most people know. The Home and Student version gives you 3 licences for approximately £100. Open Office – A freeware version. Similar in style to Office Output compatible with Microsoft products. Office software is a must for most people. However there are choices. S
It is possible to purchase software as a registered charity. The costs and usage restrictions differ depending on the software type and supplier. For further details: Search the internet for ‘Charity Software’ Visit Or Or D/S
The District Directory list all Lions that wish to be included. To be added you just need to ask The Directory is used for: A District news (eNews) once a week. Notices of Lions who have passed to higher service, including funeral details as and when known/advised etc. The Directory is never released by me to 3rd parties D
The District Directory lists all Lions Family clubs All Cabinet and District officers The Directory is updated frequently and released via the weekly news Note it only covers EA! D
AVG – Freeware basic anti-virus protection. Avast! – Freeware basic anti-virus protection. Microsoft Security Essentials – Freeware anti-virus and malware protection. McAfee – Paid for anti-virus and malware protection. Anti-virus software is critical. D
D Malware, short for malicious software. It consists of programming (code, scripts, active content, and other software) that is designed to disrupt or deny operation, gather information that leads to loss of privacy or exploitation, or gain unauthorized access to system resources, or that otherwise exhibits abusive behaviour.