Wichitarotary.org Mobile version
When you go to our mobile website, you begin on the Home page which looks like this.
Scroll down to view future programs or to sign up for an event. Regular programs do not require registration.
Tap onto this symbol to get to the site’s index.
Tap onto the “arrow” of the section you want to visit.
You will find the Round and Round in the Newsletter section of the Newsroom.
Tap on Newsletters to access the most recent Round and Rounds.
Tap on the date of the Round and Round you want to read.
Sample of Rotary Club of Wichita Newsletter “Round and Round”
To access the protected members only section, tap on “Member Login”.
Call Rotary office for the generic password to access the members only section.
Tap onto any of the documents you want to access. To pay your dues via PayPal by credit card, scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap “Buy Now”. You must fill in the amount you wish to pay.
Tap on “Go To DACdb Mobile” for the mobile version of the online member directory.
Login name: Should be your address. Password: For first-time users, should be either your RI member ID# or your last name. PLEASE CALL OFFICE FOR PASSWORD ASSISTANCE. Club #: Not needed unless you are an AG or District Officer. We are #30. Tap on Login.
To look up a member’s information, tap on “Find Member.” Type in the member’s name. Tap on the name of the member from the list of Records Found.
Tap on “My Club” to access the club’s index.
To access the directory of the membership, tap on “Members.”
To see the profile and contact information of an individual member, tap on the arrow beside his/her name.
If you want to place a call, tap on the number and a call will be activated. If you want to send an , tap on the address and it will bring up a page with the address inserted. Just write your message and send.
To see the list of officers, tap on “Leadership.”
To access information on an individual, tap on the arrow.
If you want to place a call, tap on the number and a call will be activated. If you want to send an , tap on the address and it will bring up a page with the address inserted.
To find details about future meeting programs, tap on the Event Calendar “arrow”.
Wichitarotary.org Join us on your phone or tablet!