Ferrous Metallurgy Education Today (FeMET) Exhibited in an Educational Website Whitney Patterson & Nick Gosseen Research Professor Dr. Findley
Association for Iron and Steel Technology Foundation (AIST Foundation), FeMET Curriculum Development Program American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Buddy Damm, Timken Steel Acknowledgements
Overview Project Motivation Experiments Results used for Website Development Educational Modules Future Research
Ferrous Metallurgy Education Today curriculum development Promote steel education Encourage study of steel and careers in the steel industry Enrich course material Increasing MSE class sizes Project Motivation
Scope of Work Objective: Collect data at WSU that can be publicly shared for ferrous metallurgy education through a website Experimentally determine structure- property-processing relationships Develop learning modules to make information interactive and interesting
MSE 110 – Introduction to Materials Science MSE 320 – Material Structure-Property Laboratory MSE 401 – Metallic Materials ME 310 – Manufacturing Process Applications in Courses at WSU
1020 & 4140 steels Microstructure predictions based on TTT curves Samples heat treated for 1 or 8 hours Aged at 427°C or Austenitized at 800°C Quenched, air cooled, or furnace cooled Experiments
Charpy impact test & Rockwell hardness test Stereoscope pictures of charpy fracture surface Microstructural characterization through optical microscopy Experiments
Address: femet.mme.wsu.edu
Enhancing steel education through a website Making experimental data available to engineering students Encouraging interest in the steel industry Summary
Additions to current data SEM photographs Analysis of charpy fracture surface Analysis of microstructure constituents Tensile testing Nanoindentation Future Research (1)
Case hardening through carburization Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) TRIP Dual Phase Future Research (2)