2 “…the Commission recommends a fundamental transformation of the Nation’s approach to mental health care.” New Freedom Commission on Mental Health Transforming Mental Health Care in America Achieving the Promise:
3 Goal 1 Americans understand that mental health is essential to overall health. Goal 2 Mental health care is consumer and family driven. Goal 3 Disparities in mental health services are eliminated. Goal 4 Early mental health screening, assessment, and referral to services are common practice. Goal 5 Excellent mental health care is delivered and research is accelerated. Goal 6 Technology is used to access mental health care and information. Goals of a Transformed System
4 Defining Transformation …a continuous process, without end…meant to create or anticipate the future …identifies, leverages, and even creates new underlying principles for the way things are done …identifies and leverages new sources of power …once the process is begun, a profoundly different organization emerges, including changes in structure, culture, policy, and programs Retired Vice Admiral Arthur Cebrowski Special Assistant for Transformation U.S. Department of Defense
5 ►The process by which people are able to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities ►The ability to live a fulfilling and productive life despite a disability ►A reduction or complete remission of symptoms ►The ability to make important decisions affecting one’s own life A Critical Concept to Transformation Recovery is a journey of hope that can refer to…
6 Action Agenda Partners Department of Health and Human Services AoA HRSA HHS/OS AoA HRSA HHS/OS ACF IHS - ASPE ACF IHS - ASPE AHRQ NIH/NIDA - OCR AHRQ NIH/NIDA - OCR CDC NIH/NIMH - OD CDC NIH/NIMH - OD CMS SAMHSA - OPHS CMS SAMHSA - OPHS Department of Health and Human Services AoA HRSA HHS/OS AoA HRSA HHS/OS ACF IHS - ASPE ACF IHS - ASPE AHRQ NIH/NIDA - OCR AHRQ NIH/NIDA - OCR CDC NIH/NIMH - OD CDC NIH/NIMH - OD CMS SAMHSA - OPHS CMS SAMHSA - OPHS Other Partners Department of Education Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of Veterans Affairs Social Security Administration
7 The CMHS Budget Mental Health Services Overview (Dollars in thousands) FY2006+/- FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2005 ActualAppropriation EstimateAppropriation Programs of Regional and National Significance$240,796,000$274,297,000$210,213,000-$64,084,000 Children’s Mental Health 102,353, ,112, ,129, ,000 Protection & Advocacy 34,620,000 34,343,000 34,343, PATH 49,760,000 54,809,000 54,809, MH Block Grant 434,690, ,756, ,756, Total$862,219,000$901,317,000 $837,250,000-$64,067,000
8 Mental Health Transformation State Incentive Grants Provide a fundamental mechanism to advance, State by State, the vision and goals of mental health system transformation Allow SAMHSA to set priorities and promote innovation Help States develop and implement Comprehensive State Mental Health Plans
9 Vision The TAC will provide a cohesive, coordinated, and strategic structure for the provision of technical assistance within the Mental Health Transformation SIG program and for CMHS programs focused on assisting individuals in achieving recovery and promoting resilience. Technical assistance for the TAC will be realigned with mental health transformation priorities, including— ►Leadership/Consumer Leadership ►Comprehensive Mental Health Plans ►Individualized Plans of Care (person-directed planning approaches) ►Disparities ►Evidence-based Practices and National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices ►Workforce Development (including consumers as staff) Transformation Action Center (TAC)
10 FY 2005 Proposed Activities Effective behavioral health care leadership will be developed at the State and local levels. CMHS will build and sustain this leadership by developing a support model that moves away from the “train and hope” approach. ►Educate individuals and groups in leadership theory and techniques ►Maintain the network of leaders to ensure continuity of support for sustaining systems change ►Provide access to a wide range of current leadership curricula from programs such as Harvard, the Center for Creative Leadership and the Office of Personnel Management ►Develop consumer leadership at all levels Strategic Transformational Leadership Vision
11 Providers will become more effective in working with communities of color and racial and ethnic minorities so that they will no longer be underserved. ►National Strategic Plan on the elimination of disparities ►Workforce training curricula evaluation ►Workforce development task force ►Cultural competence standards and guidelines ►Behavioral health care training program assessment ►Public education program description ►Evidence-based practice adaptation and implementation Disparities Reduction/Elimination Vision FY 2005 Proposed Activities
12 Evidence-based treatments will be widely applied to support recovery. Consumers will have meaningful involvement in the development of these treatments. ►Develop four new “toolkits” related to— 1. Supportive housing 2. Aging 3. Consumer-operated services 4. Children ►Publish an implementation guide on supported education ►Offer technical assistance for implementation of evidence-based practices and individual care plans Science to Service Vision FY 2005 Proposed Activities
13 Every adult with a serious mental illness and every child with a serious emotional disturbance will have a consumer- and family-directed IPC that promotes resilience and recovery. ►Development of prototypes of IPCs for adults and children ►Contractor review of existing models and best practices ►Strategy and consensus meetings with stakeholders ►Dissemination and technical support for prototype care plans Individualized Plans of Care (IPC) Vision FY 2005 Proposed Activities
14 State plans will create an extensive and coordinated system of services and supports that enable each person to attain an optimal level of self-care, interpersonal relationships, employment, and community participation. ►Develop a model plan template through collaboration with NASMHPD, consumers, and other stakeholders ►Make model plan available for States when the Mental Health Transformation SIG awards are made Model Comprehensive State Mental Health Plans Vision FY 2005 Proposed Activities
15 An ethnically and racially diverse workforce, including consumers as staff, will be trained and supported in evidence- based practices, and will respond to and help shape a mental health policy and practice environment that supports recovery. ►Develop a draft national strategic plan with consumers and key constituents ►Provide technical assistance to the field ►Develop toolkits for field use and to monitor progress and evaluate success Workforce Development Vision FY 2005 Proposed Activities
16 Together, we can achieve the promise! 16