Appendicitis An acute inflammation of the appendix S&S Abdominal pain (generalized at first and then localized to lower right quadrant) Nausea and Vomiting’ Mild fever Elevated WBC count **** If an appendix ruptures infectious material will spread into the peritoneal cavity and cause peritinitis. Treatment- Appendectomy
Cholecystitis An inflammation of the gallbladder. Cholelithiasis- gallstones (formed from crystalized cholesterol, bile salts and bile pigments) S&S Indigestion Nausea and vomiting Pain under the rib cage that may radiate to the right shoulder Treatment Low fat diet Lithotripsy (shock waves used to break up gallstones) Cholecystectomy- Removal of the gallbladder
Constipation When fecal material remains in the colon too long Causes excessive reabsorption of water The feces becomes hard and dry making it difficult to eliminate Causes- Poor bowel habits Chronic laxative use A low fiber diet Digestive diseases Treatment Fluids Exercise High fiber diet
Diarrhea Frequent watery stools Causes Stress Infection Irritated colon Diet Toxic substances Treatment Eliminating cause Adequate fluid intake Diet changes
Diverticulitis Inflammation of the diverticulum (sacs that form the intestine as the mucosal lining pushes through) Causes Fecal material getting caught in the diverticuli, causing inflammation S&S Abdominal pain Irregular bowel movements Gas Constipation or diarrhea Nausea and vomiting
Diverticulitis Treatment Antibiotics Stool softeners Pain medication High fiber diet Possible surgery to remove affected colon
Hepatitis A viral inflammation of the liver Type A or infectious hepatitis (HAV) Highly contagious Spread in food, water and contaminated feces\ Usually self limiting Type B or serum hepatitis (HBV) Transmitted through body fluids (blood saliva, urine, vaginal secretions, breast milk) Can lead to chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver Type C or HCV Spread through blood or body fluids Usually from sharing needles or getting stuck with a contaminated needle From mom to infant during childbirth. More likely to cause chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or both
Hepatitis S&S Fever Loss of appetite (anorexia) Nausea and vomiting Fatigue Dark colored urine Clay colored stool Myalgia (muscle pain) Enlarged liver Jaundice Treatment Rest High protein diet Low fat diet Possible liver transplant Vaccine for A and B
Hernia An internal organ pushes through a weakened area or natural opening in the body Hiatal hernia- when the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm and chest cavity through the opening for the esophagus S&S Heartburn Stomach distention Chest pain Difficulty swallowing
Hiatal hernia Treatments Bland diet Small frequent meals Staying upright after eating Surgical repair
Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas Pancreatic enzymes begin to digest the pancreas itself Pancreas becomes necrotic, inflamed and edematous. Causes Excessive alcohol consumption Gallstones blocking the pancreatic duct Idiopathic (Unknown) S&S Abdominal pain radiating to the shoulder blades Nausea Vomiting jaundice
Treatment Gallstones Cholecystectomy Idiopathic or alcoholism Pain medication’ Nutritional support Prognosis is poor for this type of pancreatitis
Cirrhosis Causes S&S Treatment
Peritonitis Causes S&S Treatment
Ulcer Causes S&S Treatment
Ulcerative Colitis Causes S&S Treatment