September, 2014 Peru – Greece Trade Opportunities
¿Why invest in Peru? 2 1.Internationally acknowledged macroeconomic soundness 2.Friendly investment environment 3.Open trade and market access policy 4. Attractive sectors to Invest
Source: IFM, World Economic Outlook Database, Oct GDP constant prices % change Peru is one of the most dynamic economies in the world * Estimated figures * 3
Source: Central Bank of reserve of Peru, CRP, MEF, IMF – WEO Oct LA6 : six Latin American countries that have adopted a formal inflation targeting framework and have relatively more developed domestic capital markets. LATAM GDP Growth and inflation ( ) Total Investment LA (% GDP) Peru’s macroeconomic performance over the last decade has been exceptional Uruguay 4
5 Peru offers a favorable legal framework for foreign investment *Investments that require authorization: Located within 50 km in the frontier line and those destined to arms, ammunitions and explosive. Likewise, a principal local partner for investments in maritime cabotage as well as in air transport is required. Fuente: Proinversión Non discriminatory treatmentUnrestrictive access to most economic sectors *Free transfer of capital and free competitionGuarantee for Private Property. Freedom to purchase stocks from locals. Network of investments agreements and member of ICSID and MIGA Peru participates in the Investment Committee of the OECD
6 PeruChileColombiaMexicoBrazil 2014 Doing Business Starting a Business Dealing with construction permits Registering Property Trading across borders Protecting investors In 2014, Peru is at the 42 position in the Doing Business Ranking Source: Doing Business 2014, World Bank. Analysis of 185 countries
7 Positive Outlook for Peruvian exports in the long term (U.S. $ million) Source: SUNAT Towards 2016 Peru will double its exports, triplicate non-traditional exports, and double the number of exporters 20 years for doubling exports Between 2000 and 2006, we tripled our exports Over the period we doubled our exports
5 000 to 2016 U.S. $ to 2016 US$ M Non-Traditional Exports US$ M Non-Traditional Exports Products exported Products exported U.S.$ Exports per capita U.S.$ Exports per capita Exporters Exporters The Peruvian export success creates a dynamic effect on the rest of the national economy (2013) 8 Source: SUNAT
Open Trade and Market Access
Agreements in force Agreements signed Agreements under negotiation millions of consumers + 55 world economies Working to become a globalized economy, with preferential access to the world’s largest markets + 95% of Peruvian exports with trade preferences 10
11 Enlargement of Trade Agreement Network US Millions Dollars Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
Trade Relation Peru - Greece
Commercial trade grew at with an average annual rate of 12,2% during the period Greece is our 16th trading partner in Europe and the 62th in the world (2013) (*) 2014: January – June. Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
Imports from Greece grew at an average annual rate of 14,2% between 2009 and 2013 Evolution of Peruvian imports from Grece (U.S. $ million FOB) Top Imported Products 2013 Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit puree and pastes of other fruits (US $ 4.1 million) Printed books, brochures and similar printed matter (US$ 2.5 million) Peaches Incl. nectarines, prepared or preserved, containing no spirits but with added sugar (US $ 1.1 million) Artificial guts (Excl. those of hardened protein or cellulose materials)(US $ 0.7 million) Marble, travertine and alabaster articles thereof, with a flat or even surface (US $ 0.6 million) 14 (*) 2014: January – June. Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
Traditional exports from Peru to Greece increased by 14,4% between 2008 – Top Traditional Products 2013 Fishmeal (US$ 9.1 millions ) Copper (US$ 0.6 millions ) Coffee (US$ 0.2 millions) Traditional exports were not registered in 2014 (Jan – Jun) 15 Traditional Exports (US$ Millions FOB) Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
Non traditional exports from Peru to Greece accounted US$ 3 millions in Top Non Traditional Products 2013 (US$ Thousands FOB) Fungicide preparations based on copper compounds ( US$ 1 091) Prepared or preserved Tuna (US$ 487) Frozen Squid (US$ 297) Dried, shelled cow peas, whether or not skinned or split(US$ 246) Salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids (US$ 124) Copper sulfate(US$ 100) Non Traditional Exports (US$ Millions FOB) (*) 2014: January – June. Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
Between , tariff items exported to Greece decreased by 13,4% : 37 ítems corresponded to Non Traditional Exports Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
18 33 Peruvian companies exported to Greece in : 26 companies corresponded to Non Traditional Exports Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
Trade Opportunities in Greece
20 Chemical Sector Peru: Indicators of the chemical sector in the Greek market US$ 1,6 millions (-1,6%) 8 exporters 9 tariff items exported Top / Major export destinations – 2013 Source: Sunat. Elaboration Inteligencia de Mercados – PROMPERU
21 Peru: Indicators of the Fishery Sector in the Greek market – 2013 US$ 785 Thousands (+33%) 5 export companies 2 tariff items exported Main Destinations of Peruvian Fishery exports – 2013 Fishery Industry Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU
Peru: Indicators of the Agribusiness Sector in the Greek market – 2013 US$ 294 Thousands (-69,3%) 7 export companies 9 tariff items exported (+500%) Agribusiness Industry 22 Source: Sunat. Elaboration: Market Intelligence – PROMPERU Main destinations of Peruvian agribusiness exports – 2013
September, 2014 Peru – Greece Trade Opportunities