Global I * Mr. McEntarfer * HSLPS Athens and Sparta Global I * Mr. McEntarfer * HSLPS
Aim: How can we compare and contrast the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta? Do Now: How do these two statues differ?
Macedonia Greece Asia Minor Aegean Sea Athens Sparta Crete Mediterranean Sea Peloponnesian Peninsula
Athens's Government direct democracy people play a direct role in government adult males became citizens slaves women and foreigners played no part
Sparta’s Government Military Dictatorship/oligarchy power lies in the hands of a few elite
Which statue represents Sparta and which represents Athens? Explain.
Athenian Religion Spartan Religion Polytheistic – Greek gods acted human and intervened with life on Earth. Spartan Religion Polytheistic – Greek gods acted human and intervened with life on Earth.
How did the Greeks use their religion to explain the world around them?
Women Athenian Women could own no property except their clothes, jewelry and slaves confined to homes must be accompanied by a man outside house Spartan Women Could own property and were the head of the house and business. Men were forced into the military at age 7 and were rarely home giving women more freedom and power.
Which civilization would you rather live in if you were a woman?
Art Athens: Art was encouraged and desirable Education focused heavily on the arts and Athenians produced much of the great art of the era. Sparta: Artistic expression was forbidden because it was believed to interfere with military business
Education Athens: Girls educated at home 6-7 boys: taught at home 7 to 14: neighborhood school subjects taught: drama, public speaking, reading, writing, math, science, philosophy and music. Sparta: trained for warfare Began training at age of seven lived in army barracks most their lives Respected strength, discipline and equality forbade luxuries
Sports All Greek city-states met in Olympia to perform in the Olympics. Physical prowess was encouraged and a sign of greatness.
Economy Athens: Overseas trade, commerce traded for food Created overseas colonies Sparta: agriculture based Were against trade namely to prevent cultural diffusion Slaves called Helots worked the land
Why did many Greek city-states rely on trade for food?
Slavery Athens: had slaves who were usually captured in war or just people who owed money. Sparta: The Spartans enslaved the Helots who were the early settlers of Peloponnesus. They outnumbered the Spartans and fear of them revolting is what encouraged Spartan society to become a military state.
How did slavery in Sparta and Athens differ?
Essay Question: Which society would you rather live in: Athens or Sparta? Explain your answer in a paragraph using examples from the class.