STLP Gold Award Application Tammy Younglove, STLP Coordinator Jennifer Green, Teacher Representative 1434 Cave Mill Road Bowling Green, KY (270)
The Mission of the Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) is to advance the individual capabilities of students; to motivate all students; and to create leadership opportunities through the use of technology.
Goals 1. The STLP will develop activities that enhance the academic, social and emotional growth of the student. 2. The STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students. 3. The STLP will experience multi-age collaboration by forming innovative learning partnerships. 4. The STLP will form learning partnerships between students with different technology skills. 5. The STLP will develop activities that benefit communities. 6. The STLP will develop instructional activities, which integrate technology and benefit the school and support the Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS).
Goal 1: The STLP will develop activities that enhance the academic, social and emotional growth of the student. STLP students are narrating the first grade reading series. They are creating narrated powerpoints to enhance classroom instruction which also allows the students to practice reading fluency. STLP students are working with faculty to create Power Points for instruction in a variety of academic areas. STLP produces a school news cast. STLP students record student reenactments of plays and create an iMovie of the production for other classrooms to watch. STLP students create media projects to upload to the school webpage. STLP students are able to give and receive constructive project criticism.
Goal 2: The STLP will provide leadership opportunities for all students. Students with a keen interest in the history of our community are participating in a project called Mapping Kentucky History. Students with special learning needs and IEPs are mainstreamed in STLP projects. STLP students work with Natcher’s Family Resource Center to present internet safety training to a support group called Grandparents Raising Grandkids. STLP members attend internet safety training and share with classmates.
Goal 3: The STLP will experience multi-age collaboration by forming innovative learning partnerships. STLP members interact with all classroom student bodies and teachers to create a digital scrapbook that records the unique spirit of Natcher. Natcher has worked with the Kentucky Geological Society and representatives from T.C. Cherry Elementary to complete a G.P.S. project for 5th & 6th graders which includes exceptional education students. STLP-produced Jaguar News covers all exciting opportunities and activities held at Natcher elementary. Podcasts are created and posted to the school webpage STLP students scan and narrate the Reading Series for all first graders on a weekly basis. This work allows students who are at-risk readers, exceptional students, and ESL students the opportunity to more richly experience reading.
Goal 4: The STLP will form learning partnerships between students with different technology skills. During non-instructional time, STLP students can assist primary computer lab class students STLP members are given choices throughout the school year to experience and explore different technologies for different purposes. Students with stronger skills or more experience enjoy taking the leadership opportunity to teach those with less experience. Students work with iMovie, PowerPoint, Garage Band, iDVD, and iWeb.
Goal 5: The STLP will develop activities that benefit communities. Members of Natcher’s STLP have supported the community in the following ways: Beginning a Drink Pouch recycling program at school Recycling of aluminum, print cartridges, and paper GPS mapping of local historical sites made available to all on the internet Jump Rope for Heart Food Drives and Toy Drives Cards for Soldiers program Family Resource funds drive Coats for Kids
Goal 6: The STLP will develop instructional activities, which integrate technology and benefit the school and support the Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS). Video presentations Powerpoint Digital Storytelling Pod-casting presentations STLP students create in-school television productions Assist teachers to administer Activote tests Set up audio/visual equipment for school functions/presentations
Vision Begin educational audio broadcast production using in house equipment that will be made available to the students. STLP students could increase the use of mobile laptop units in our school by assisting teachers with initial use in each classroom. STLP students could assist teachers in the creation of unique and engaging Activboard flipcharts. STLP will continue webpage design and maintenance.
William H. Natcher Elementary STLP
Participation at Local Level Promoted a school wide participation in electronic cards to US Troops Natcher participated in WKU Robotics Engineering Competition Promote school functions and upcoming events through in-school tv newscast Increased readability of first grade materials for at-risk readers STLP showcase at Spring District Tech Expo
Participation at District Level Consistent participation with award-winning projects at WKU Showcase Yearly participation in WCPS Tech Expo Designed, programmed, and competed in the WKU Engineering Department Lego Mindstorm Robot Contest.
Participation at State Level International students created REEL School PSA video “Mapping Kentucky” History GPS project involves STLP members including exceptional education students. Consistent invitation to State Showcase
Diversity Our student body consists of 95 ESL students and 70 students with personal IEPs. Natcher qualifies as a Title 1 Math and Reading school and has rich opportunities for students who are gifted or talented. Special projects for students who are Deaf/Hearing Impaired. 11% of STLP students have special learning needs. 24% of STLP members are Hispanic, Asian, or African-American. Natcher’s student population is a picture of Diversity and represents 28 countries!
Recruiting Members Every 4th, 5th, and 6th grade student at Natcher has the opportunity to be a part of STLP. Applications are given to every student at the beginning of each year and all students who apply, are accepted! At Natcher, there is a project group meeting every school day before classes begin to ensure that students have the opportunity to receive guidance on their own special areas of interest.
Future Projects Start iWeb workshop for teachers to create their own webpages. Expand our narration power points for primary teachers next year. Reading Street series created this year will be used for approximately five more years. Podcast our monthly news segments. Form partnership with teachers to create flipcharts and Activote tests. Digital school newspaper