ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile L.M. Fraile, CERN PH/IS ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s report ISOLDE Collaboration Committee 24 th May 2004 ISOLDE scientific.


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Presentation transcript:

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile L.M. Fraile, CERN PH/IS ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s report ISOLDE Collaboration Committee 24 th May 2004 ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s report ISOLDE Collaboration Committee 24 th May 2004 Summary of startup and schedule for 2004

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile Summary of running period STARTUP delayed 1 week → Operation reduced to 26 weeks → Decision whether it will be extended by end of July → Two runs were cancelled, one experiment shortened Performed experiments: → IS419: Measurement of Gas and Volatile Elements Production Cross Section in a Molten Lead-Bismuth Target (part) → IS413: High precision mass measurements of exotic nuclei with ISOLTRAP → IS401: Semiconductor Spectroscopy with Short Lived Isotopes → P183: Nuclear moments and charge radii of magnesium isotopes from N=8 up to (and beyond) N=20 → IS389: Measurement of Moments and Radii of Light Nuclei by Collinear Fast-Beam Laser Spectroscopy and ß-NMR Spectroscopy REX molecular beam tests: SeCO, AlF (Se, F beams)

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile GPS 2004 (2 nd half) IS397 Charge Breeding of Radioactive Ions in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) at ISOLDE IS415 Magnetic Moments of Coulomb Excited States for Radioactive Beams of 132, 134, 136 Te, 136 Xe Isotopes at REX-ISOLDE (test) IS400 Investigation of astrophysically relevant neutron-rich argon nuclei IS412 Coulomb excitation of neutron-rich nuclei between the N=40 and N=50 shell gaps using REX-ISOLDE and the Ge MINIBALL array P179 Radioactive Probes on Ferromagnetic Surfaces IS411 Coulomb Excitation of neutron-rich A~140 Nuclei IS m Pb: A New Probe for TDPAC Experiments in Biology Complementing the Well Established Probes 111m Cd and 199m Hg IS419 Measurement of Gas and Volatile Elements Production Cross Section in a Molten Lead-Bismuth Target P111 Search for new physics in beta-neutrino correlations using trapped ions and a retardation spectrometer (WITCH test) IS383 Laser Spectroscopy Studies in the Neutron-Rich Sn Region (COMPLIS) IS Si Self-Diffusion in Si-Ge Alloys and Si-(B-)C-N Ceramics and Diffusion Studies for Al and Si Beam Developments IS410 Coulomb excitation of 32 Mg IS409 Fusion Reactions at the Coulomb Barrier with Neutron-rich Mg Isotopes IS399 Exploring the dipole polarizability of 11 Li at REX-ISOLDE IS368 Lattice location of transition metals in semiconductors IS371 Investigations of neutron-rich nuclei at the dripline through their analogue states: The cases of 10 Li- 10 Be (T=2) and 17 C- 17 N (T=5/2) IS418 Coulomb Excitation of Neutron Deficient Sn-Isotopes using REX-ISOLDE

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile HRS 2004 (2 nd half) IS423 Coulomb excitation of a neutron-rich 88 Kr beam-search for mixed symmetry states IS414 Advanced Time-Delayed coincidence studies of 31,32 Mg from the β-decays of 31,32 Na IS386 Studies of electric dipole moments in the octupole collective regions of heavy Radiums and Bariums IS405 Obtaining empirical validation of shape-coexistence in the mass 70 region: Coulomb excitation of a radioactive beam of 70 Se IS421 Study of neutron-rich 124,126,128 Cd isotopes; excursion from symmetries to shell-model picture IS424 Inelastic branch of the stellar reaction 14 O( ,p) 17 F P111 Search for new physics in beta-neutrino correlations using trapped ions and a retardation spectrometer P173 Parity Non-conservation in Nuclei: The Case of 180m Hf Revisited

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile GPS 2004

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile HRS 2004

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile REX-ISOLDE Approved shifts for REX: = 242 → Non-MINIBALL (367, 371, 399, 416) : 47 → MINIBALL (405, 409, 410, 411, 412, 415, 418, 423, 424) : 180 Limited to run from July onwards → Machine development (upgrade IS408) : 15 Requested shifts: 214 → Non-MINIBALL: 38 → MINIBALL: 176 Allocated: 162 → Non-MINIBALL: 26 → MINIBALL: 136

ISCC 24 May 2004L.M. Fraile RILIS Requested Physics shifts: 264 → Limited manpower… → …and operating time Requested elements: Mg: 80 shifts Ag: 38 Cd: 36 Sn: 31 Zn: 28 Other: Ga, Mn, Pb…