Child Protection: the big picture Chris Waterman.


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Presentation transcript:

Child Protection: the big picture Chris Waterman

●Child Protection – the national picture – Chris Waterman ●Safeguarding, a guide to legislation – Anna Marie Anderson ●Serious Case Reviews – Impact of lessons learnt on school practice ●Ofsted – the Inspector Calls – Jim Coyle

3 ●United Nations ●International charities ●International operations against ●International traffickers ●The dark web ●Individuals and groups Child Protection: international

4 ●The government ●Government departments –DfE –Home Office –Department of Health ●Local authorities ●Local settings and groups Child Protection: national

5 ●Local authority –Social services –Schools and early years setting –Youth settings ●Health –GP –A & E –Acute services ●Voluntary organisations Child Protection: local

6 Child Protection: the role of the school The School Police A&E Services Social Voluntary organisations GPs Community