In the early Middle Ages, was there social mobility? Explain your answer.
No, there was very little social mobility. You were born into your social class and stayed there. (Like in the caste system in India.)
In the Middle Ages, what was feudalism?
Feudalism was the system of exchanging land for military service
What was manorialism?
Manorialism was the economic system in the Middle Ages where land was the basis of wealth
What empire fell causing Western Europe to fall into the Dark Ages?
The Roman Empire. (Western Europe went into the Dark Ages and Eastern Europe became the Byzantine Empire.)
What was the only central power authority that provided unity and stability for people in the Middle Ages?
The Roman Catholic Church
Give one example of how the church could show its political power over kings in the Middle Ages.
The church made Canon Law. If it was not obeyed, a secular leader could be excommunicated or receive an interdict on their entire country to persuade them to follow the church.
What is a feudal monarch?
A king or queen in the Middle Ages in Europe or any feudal system.
What does this statement mean? “Manors were self- sufficient in the early Middle Ages.”
The manor provided everything people needed in the early Middle Ages. (In the High Middle Ages, people learned about luxury items from Asia and other parts of Europe so trade revived.)
What services did monks and nuns provide in the Middle Ages? Give two examples.
1.They helped the sick and poor. 2. They copied ancient texts from Greece and Rome to preserve them.
Why did people want to reform the Catholic Church?
It had become corrupt and clergy lived in luxury.
What were two effects of the Agricultural Revolution?
1.Increased food production 2. Doubled the population. 3. Caused the Commercial Revolution (when Europe started trading again)
Which leader of the Franks valued education and set up a school in the early Middle Ages?
What was the purpose of a castle?
To defend against attack.
How did the three field system allow serfs to produce more crops?
The land didn’t lose its nutrients as quickly (because one field was left fallow) so serfs were able to grow more food over the years.
Final Jeopardy Write 2 positive and 2 negative effects of the Crusades.
1.Increased trade with Asia. 2. Wider world view for Europeans 3. Increased hostilities between Christians, Muslims and Jews. 4. The church grew more corrupt.
What did guilds do in medieval towns?
They offered trade protection, a training process, helped the poor and participated in the law making of a town.
How many people were killed by the plague between 1347 and 1352?
25 million people in Europe alone.
Why did people in medieval Europe build cathedrals? (Or why is any place of worship built for that matter?)
To express their religious beliefs and show dedication to their beliefs.
What are two characteristics of Gothic cathedrals?
1.Stained glass windows (to let in light and illustrate Bible Stories to the illiterate) 2. Flying buttresses 3. Vaulted ceilings