XYit The universal tool for data capture By Geomatix Ltd UK
What does XYit do? Suitable images are maps and plans (4.6,12.2) (3.5,9.2) (5.2,14.2) (8.4,15.2) It converts data in images into XY values So you can put the XY values in a spreadsheet XYit converts the points into their original XY values It also does the opposite, correctly positioning your XY data onto an image, map or plan
Suitable images files are... Electronic Documents, e.g. from Internet Scanned Documents Digital Photographs The computer Screen itself In any of over 40 formats including BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIF etc
Suitable images are.. Graphs Maps & Plans Photographs.
Graphs Financial Values of price against date E.g. Stock price graph Scientific X-Y Values Engineering Linear or Logarithmic Axes
Maps & Plans Site or Survey Plans Land maps e.g. UK Ordnance Survey Nautical Mercator Charts eg UKHO Admiralty
Maps & Plans… Examples Creating Waypoints for a GPS Calculating footpath co-ordinates from a map Making a Passage Plan from a Nautical Chart Creating cable course files from old cable plans Finding the position of objects on old maps Determining the dimensions (area, perimeter) of land plots
Aerial Photographs Plot sizes / field area Find boundary positions Field perimeter length Position of an isolated object Finding the width of entrance
Photographic Analysis With XYit you can take measurements from a photograph of an object in profile... Example 1 Picture of Building - Measure dimensions, length of roof etc Example 2 Picture of Vehicle- Measuring Dimensions, Area, Perimeter etc
How does it work? 1. Calibration XYit needs to know 3 or more calibration values so that it can work out the real values at any point 2. Data Capture Next tell XYit the points which you want to convert This can be done manually or automatically 3. Export Save the data to a file or to a spreadsheet
Step 1. Image Calibration This is very easy Either Click the mouse on 3 known points Or use 2, 3 or 4 corners From then on, XYit will display real xy coordinates With maps this is called 'Georeferencing' (0,0) (0,100) (10,100) (10,0) Then enter into XYit the true values at these corners And then supply their true values (1,80) (9,90) (8,1)
Step 2. Data Capture Next tell XYit the points you want to convert Either by mouse Or it will automatically trace lines for you (4.6,12.2) (3.5,9.2) (5.2,14.2) (8.4,15.2) Using the information provided at calibration, XYit automatically works out their true values You can edit the points, save them or view them later
Step 3. Data Export Finally you can save the data to a file Or to the clipboard for transfer to another application The data is in plain ASCII tab delimited format
XYit We hope this presentation has helped you to decide whether XYit is suitable for your purposes If you still need to see more, why not download the free demo version from Or feel free to us for more information Thank you for your interest