WP – Closure of Open Issues Status review Date: 10 th March 2010 Place:GMV-Skysoft, Lisbon GNSS for INnovative Road Applications
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 29/08/2015Page 2PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Parties involved
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Contents 1.Overall objectives of WP Delivered items 3.Remaining issues 4.Completed Actions 5.Technical focus – Geo-Objects 6.Technical focus – Pre-trials 7.Exhaustive Trials Plan 8.End-to-End Trials Plan 9.Questions 29/08/2015Page 3PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9)
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 29/08/2015Page 4PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Definition of: Exhaustive Performance Trials: Definition of routes and Geo-Objects Detailed trial objectives and procedures to reach them (GNSS Performance evaluation, distance measurement performance, performance of GEO objects identification and charging performance) Detailed trials execution Procedures for performance evaluation Description of OBU and configurations End-to-end Performance Trials: Definition of additional Geo-Objects Detailed trial objectives and procedures to reach them (overall assessment of the capabilities of the system and performance analysis without a reference system) Detailed execution Procedures for performance evaluation Description of OBU configurations Overall objectives of WP3.2.1
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 29/08/2015Page 5PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Deliverable D3.1 GINA Trials Plan Revised document incorporating GMV feedback (V1.0) Revised document following GSA feedback (from Sverker Almqvist) D3.1 included the following items: –Defined Test Routes –Defined Exhaustive Geo-Objects –Defined Day Plans –Agreed OBU configuration –Defined Trial Requirements –Aenor Trial Delivered Items
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 29/08/2015Page 6PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Following Progress Meeting #3: 1.End-to-End Geo Object definition Closed 2.All Geo-Objects in shapefile format Closed 3.Calibration between GMV and Navteq reference systems Closed 1. Pre-trials 4.Maximising benefits offered by Navteq vehicle Closed 1. Providing Geo-Object data to Navteq 2. Knowledge of Navteq vehicle trajectories during exhaustive trials Remaining Issues
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Completed Actions 29/08/2015Page 7PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) GMV and ARVAL have provided a full list of End-to-End trial participants –TRL defined additional Geo-Objects based on this information All Geo-Objects defined so far (Exhaustive and End-to-End) converted to shapefile format and delivered to Avego Pre-trials for vehicles taking part in the Exhaustive trials set up by GMV –Calibration of Navteq and GMV reference systems A suitable approach on the use of Navteq vehicle discussed with Navteq
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 47 Geo-objects over 3 routes 2 Charging areas 29/08/2015Page 8PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Technical Focus: Geo Objects (Exhaustive)
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 29/08/2015Page 9PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Technical Focus: Geo Objects (Exhaustive - Navteq) Conversation held with Navteq regarding the planned trajectories of the Navteq vehicle Navteq supplied a list of municipalities Areas which overlap with GINA routes include: –Rotterdam –Den Haag If required, further Geo-Objects could be defined specifically for Navteq vehicle
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 29/08/2015Page 10PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Technical Focus: Geo Objects (End-to-End) 17 Geo-Objects in addition to Exhaustive
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 2 or 3 days have been allocated for Exhaustive pre-trials commencing 2 nd March. Pre-trials will encompass: –Equipping of Navteq vehicle with GMV OBU –Testing the functionality of GMV OBU in both vehicles –Enforcement trials –Calibration of Navteq and GMV reference equipment to: Ensure similar output format Synchronisation of output time stamps Understanding of levels of accuracy of the two reference systems Attempt to calibrate accuracy performance via the HUB –Test method for data transfer from both vehicles to Avego –Provide Avego with first “real” set of data from both vehicles 29/08/2015Page 11PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Technical Focus: Pre-trials
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Pre-trial installation of OBUs, testing and enforcement trials will be held in Veldhoven, Navteq base Pre-trial calibration run will be carried out on part of Route 3 (Rotterdam) –7 Geo-Objects per loop GMV and Navteq vehicle travel in convoy Reference system performances analysed over each route/whole day/each Geo-Object 29/08/2015Page 12PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Technical Focus: Pre-trials
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Trials commence following the completion of pre-trial phase –Currently expected to be ~ 8 th March 2010 Total duration of 4 weeks –3 weeks of following defined routes and schedules –1 week for repeating missed/incomplete routes 3 Routes –20 repetitions of each route Navteq vehicle is not following defined GINA routes but will be travelling in and around Rotterdam and Den Haag as part of its standard operations 29/08/2015Page 13PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Exhaustive Trials Plan – Overview
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Exhaustive Trials Plan - Routes Route 1 (Amsterdam) 29/08/2015Page 14PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Route 1 features: Simulated Cold Start from an underground car park Simulated charging zones around Amsterdam and Hoofddorp Coen and Ij tunnels Dense urban environments Motorway sections
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Exhaustive Trials Plan - Routes Route 2 (The Hague) 29/08/2015Page 15PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Route 2 features: Three tunnels in a row Tunnel with an underground junction Dense urban areas Tall buildings
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Exhaustive Trials Plan - Routes Route 3 (Rotterdam) 29/08/2015Page 16PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Route 3 features: Stretch of road parallel to a motorway Maas Tunnel Erasmus Bridge Dense Urban and industrial environment Tall buildings Narrow Roads Motorway sections
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo EXAMPLE DAILY TIME TABLE 09:00-09:30Vehicle inspection and paperwork check 09:30-10:00Arrive at the start of Route x 10:00-11:30Undertake driving of Route x 11:30-13:00Undertake driving of Route x 13:00-14:00Lunch Break 14:00-15:30Undertake driving of Route x 15:30-17:00Undertake driving of Route x (last drive of the day) 17:00-17:15Break 17:15-17:45Travel back to the Hotel 17:45-18:15Finish Vehicle checks, refuelling and data transfer End 29/08/2015Page 17PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Exhaustive Trials Plan: D aily Time Table
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo One OBU per vehicle Exhaustive trials: OBU will produce four data streams simulating four OBU configurations: –raw GPS data only, –raw GPS data enhanced by CANBUS (GMV vehicle only) –raw GPS data enhanced by SISNET (EGNOS) –raw GPS data enhanced by both CANBUS and SISNET (GMV vehicle only) End-to-End trials: –raw GPS data only –raw GPS data enhanced by SISNET (EGNOS). 29/08/2015Page 18PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Exhaustive Trials Plan: OBU Configuration
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Data output format has been agreed and the following templates are proposed: In addition, Geo-Object identifier flags for reference data will be included for comparison with OBU determined flags. This will be done in post-processing by GMV. 29/08/2015Page 19PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Exhaustive Trials Plan: Exhaustive Data output
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Important information for drivers of the GMV vehicle is enclosed with D3.1, this includes: –Route scripts (directions) –Trials equipment checklist –Trials briefing sheet –Instructions for carrying out Time to First Fix (TTFF) tests –Vehicle safety checklist –Driver declaration form Drivers should aim to keep the same line during each drive Data from the GMV vehicle is expected to be downloaded to the GMV ftp server on a daily basis to minimise the risk of data loss 29/08/2015Page 20PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) Exhaustive Trials Plan: General Information
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Trials are expected to last for 6 months 100 participants have been selected Additional Geo-Objects have been defined Data is expected to be automatically uploaded from the OBUs 29/08/2015Page 21PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) End-to-End Trials Plan:
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Data output format has been agreed and the following templates are proposed: End-to-End (for each OBU) 29/08/2015Page 22PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) End-to-End Trials Plan: End-to-End Data output
GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo Data output format has been agreed and the following templates are proposed: End-to-End (for each Geo-Object) 29/08/2015Page 23PRESENTATION TITLE VERDANA (9) End-to-End Trials Plan: End-to-End Data output
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