1 Jean-François Desnos, Geneviève Gras, Béatrice Meier, Laurent Pilet Université Joseph Fourier, Université de Strasbourg, Clermont Université
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy The aims of GRAAL GRAAL is an application system designed to manage the french universities research labs A reference for the administration of research A tool for the laboratories (means, activities) A communication vector with the government and national bodies A datamart providing indicators to the president 2
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy The project The GRAAL project is a cooperation which started in 2004 between the Universities of Grenoble, Clermont-Ferrand, Strasbourg, Lille USTL, Nancy Henri Poincaré, Paris Descartes. It’s presently distributed by AMUE and used by 44 universities in France. 3
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy The project organization Steering Committee: in charge of the strategy ; the presidents and directors of national bodies Project committee: executes the strategic plan, allows the means, follows the planning of the project Functional and operational teams: design and run the application. 4
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Functionalities of the application Describes the structure of research : labs, clusters, teams,… Information on people and their scientific activities, including international Follow-up of the financial means One database for one or several universities The following example shows the complexity of the structures 5
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Structure of research (example) 6 Université Joseph Fourier (university) Université Joseph Fourier (university) INP Grenoble (university) INP Grenoble (university) CNRS (national research body) CNRS (national research body) INRIA (national research body) INRIA (national research body) Federation IMAG IT Department Physics & Maths Dept Laboratory GRAVIR GRAphics, VIsion and Robotics Laboratory GRAVIR GRAphics, VIsion and Robotics 7 others laboratoires Team Virtual Reality Team Virtual Reality Team Motion and Animation Team Computer Vision Team Computer Vision IT doctoral school Engineering doctoral school
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Integration in the university IS 7 GRAAL User CAS LDAP directory CAS LDAP directory Portal of University (E-sup portail) Portal of University (E-sup portail) Web services University Data warehouse University Data warehouse Connection Students Human Resources Authentification Reference Data Bases
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy8 One database for several universities Web services Data warehouse Students Human Resources CAS ldap directory GRAAL Data warehouse Students Human Resources Data warehouse Students Human Resources University A University B University … ENT ( E-sup ) ENT ( E-sup )
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Indicators General information : type of research unit, associate universities, scientific labels, address, … Personal : Researchers, Professors, Visiting scholars, PhD students, PostDoc, staff Finance : Needs, Means / team Scientific production : articles, events, contracts, patents, associated private companies 9
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Exchanges with the directory of research on institutional website or laboratory’s website (by Web services) With the ministry : XML files tranfers for SIREDO statistics With national open archiv systems HAL (by Web services) 10
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Technology Full web: Java Development : WebObjects Framework, Eclipse IDE (WOLips plugins) Deployment : WebObjects / Tomcat Oracle 9i et 10g databases Integrated in the university IS In the digital work environment (fr. ENT) CAS, LDAP directory authentication Synchronous access to reference databases : Student system, HR 11
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Exchanges between GRAAL and open archive system HAL 12 GRAAL HAL Publications by laboratory Publications by laboratory and author write submit harvesting validation read
March 19th 2010 Bologna, Italy Perspectives for new versions ▶ Structures: adapt to new research structures In France, a number of universities are merging in PRES (“Pôle de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur”) “Teams”, subdivisions of a laboratory, are getting attributes of a laboratory. ▶ Exchanges With open archives projects (by Web services) With a national research skills database (by XML files transfers) ▶ Upgrade of the reporting capacities (with Business Objects) ▶ Technology: rewrite the software? Cooperate with CNRS? Access other Databases? (than Oracle) 13