Q1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products
The film genre that are opening title sequence conforms to is the thriller genre because the narrative of the opening title sequence goes into the categories that define what a thriller film is. Also we have used shots that are very typical of thrillers such as low and high angle shots which adds suspense. Are opening title sequence dose not challenge the conventions of the genre at all. This is because are costumes that we chose for the main character was a hoody and this made him looked scary and also it was black so it made him more hidden in the background. The film that our sequence takes inspiration from is American psycho because it is about a person who has an obsession with killing. Frame 1. The first screen grab is of our title, we decided to put it last because that gave it a more scary feel to it also show when harry gives the card to them they are captured. This is typical of the thriller genre because it builds up suspense and creates a awkward feeling with the viewer, we chose the title captured meaning you are captured by someone or captured by a camera. This title would be typical of a psychological thriller
Frame 2. This frame we chose is of the setting. It is set in a photography studio, the big light gives a feel of tension and makes the viewer feel uneasy because it is like a spot light being shone on them so this suggests his work in the photography studio is more sinister. This is typical of the thriller genre showing the viewer what the main character dose and what he is like. Frame 3. The third frame is to represent our costumes and props. It is of our main character (Harry) standing in the mirror with a black hoody. The use of the black hoody is to show that he is evil and more scary to the viewer. Also the mirror show the split personality between the psycho and his normal self, this very typical of the thriller genre also typical of openings because it tells the audience to understand what the character is like.
Frame 4. The fourth frame is camera work and editing. The camera is zoomed in on a sign that says Varndean school and then slowly zooms outs to show harry standing there looking at the front gate of the school. When the camera is on the sign it make the viewer think that it will be kids playing but then when it zooms out you see harry and this makes the viewer nervosas about what he is doing outside the school. The camera shot is typical of the thriller genre because many thrillers film the evil character from behind to make him more mysterious and sinister. Frame 5. The fifth frame is title font and style. The title comes up behind the harry when he is taking photos and then fades away when he comes near showing he has power over what happens even with the titles. The title font is Helvetica and we choses this because it is bold, strong and reflects Harrys traits also it looks professional like harry is with his photography.
Frame 6. The sixth frame is story and how the OTS sets it up. This is where harry hands the girls the modelling card, I think this is where the OTS sets up because this is the first bit where harry comes into contact with girls and showing the viewer that the card has a big part to play in the narrative. This is typical of the thriller genre because many thriller OTS have the crime happing first and then someone solving it much like our film Captured. Frame 7. the seventh frame is genre and how the OTS suggests it. In this frame harry is standing looking into the mirror with a suit on. The mirror shows split personality so therefor telling the viewer that harry has a split personality also the suit makes him look more middle to upper class these traits are typical of the thriller genre because many mainstream thrillers involve split personality's and the characters in them are mainly middle to upper class.
Frame 8. the eighth frame is how characters are introduced. In this frame the two girls are leaving the school gates where harry is waiting for them. We are introduced to the two girls as mysteries characters and can only judge on what they look like. This is typical of the thriller genre because many people in thriller films are mysteries. Frame 9. this frame is of harry taking photos in his photography studio then a flash comes in and it goes to the next shot, the flash is our main special effect and editing point. This is typical of the thriller genre because many thrillers have special effects but that involves guns firing and blood.