1 The GEOSTAT project Vilni Verner Holst Bloch MSc. landscape ecology and natural resources Statistics Norway Otervegen 23 N Kongsvinger Tel : ++47 / Fax : ++47 / Work Package 4 The European Forum for Geostatistics workshop in Haag, Netherlands 5th – 7th of October 2009 “bridge the gap” between theory and practice in GeoStatistics Session 3: The Geostat project Dissemination, Distribution and Exploitation
2 Overview of the presentation Description of work Deliverables WP 4.1 Dissemination WP 4.2 Exploitation WP 4.3 Distribution
3 Description of work The objective of the work package is to spread knowledge and results gained in the project to the ESS. The EFGS will function as a professional reference group for the GEOSTAT ESSnet project. This network of experts made up of key users and producers will scrutinize the output of every iteration and suggest improvements to the project result (see objective) As the results in the first instance concern statistical offices, one focus of the knowledge transfer will be at the annual working party of GISCO with the NSIs and the national mapping agencies.
4 Deliverables WP4Dissemination, Distribution and Exploitation NO 4.1Dissemination (of visions and guidelines)NO 4.1.1Deliverable2. Migration of EFGS information from the current website to the Geostat portal 4.1.2Deliverable3. Dissemination of EFGS and Geostat ESSNET information to the Geostat portal 4.2Distribution (of visions and guidelines)NO 4.2.1Deliverable1. Contribute to the distibution of project results to a series of conferences (see separate list) 4.2.2Deliverable2. Organise EFGS workshop in Estonia Deliverable3. Organise EFGS workshop in Portugal Exploitation (of visions and guidelines)NO 4.3.1Deliverable1. Organise national Geostat "top down" and "bottom up" taskforces for EU census (phase 1: 2010 (Among project partners))
5 WP 4.1 Dissemination Objectives To publish the results of the project over a dedicated website on the internet. The dissemination task will be concerned with the distribution of the project results over the internet. (See Annex 4 page 5/10) SubTask 4.1.1: Establish technical aspects of website. SubTask 4.1:2: Establish organisational aspects of website. SubTask 4.1.3: Publishing of reports. All reports from the GEOSTAT ESSnet project will be published in English at EFGS website.
6 WP 4.2 Exploitation Objectives Make sure that non participating countries benefit from the experience and are encouraged to adopt and implement the approach. The exploitation task will have to consider how to make sure that our users in particular in the NSIs may integrate the project results into their systems. (See Annex 4 page 5/10) Subtask 2.1: Organise national GEOSTAT ESSnet taskforces. Subtask 2.2: Organise an international / global taskforce.
7 WP 4.3 Distribution Objectives Presentation of the project and its results at a series of annual conferences on INSPIRE and Geostatistics over the entire project duration. The focus is on conferences that are co-organised by the European Commission/ Eurostat and also address NSIs (See Annex 1 page 4/10) Subtask 4.3.1: Presentations of GEOSTAT ESSnet project and results Subtask 4.3.2: Organising EFGS conference October 2010, Estonia. Subtask 3.3.3: Organising EFGS conference October 2011, Portugal.
8 Thank you for your attention Any questions?