Intrapersonal Knowledge Field Study Summary Errin Gregory – Fall 2007 TLITE Graduate Diploma Simon Fraser University
Inquiry Questions: How can I use digital photography and image editing software with grade eleven and twelve students to strengthen their self concept, motivate their learning and increase their intrapersonal knowledge? What exactly is intrapersonal knowledge and how can I increase student awareness of self concept? How will different creative processes affect student motivation while exploring self concept?
Identity… A key aspect of adolescent development is identity formation. Identity formation is the development of a clear and consistent view of self and one’s commitments to others and plans for the future. Identity formation leads to decisions with long term implications.
Self… Self concept is the foundation for self esteem and intrapersonal knowledge. Both self esteem and intrapersonal knowledge are key attributes found in ‘successful’ people.
Self Esteem… How do I feel about myself? Based on self knowledge. Without a good idea of who one is, one cannot have a strong sense of self esteem. We need to know what it is that makes us unique with our own particular set of abilities, characteristics, etc.
Intrapersonal Knowledge… “Knowledge of self” Phrase coined by Howard Gardner (psychologist) as part of his theory of multiple intelligences According to Gardner, intrapersonal knowledge is one of the seven important forms of intelligence. People who are successful are often successful in large part due to their strong intrapersonal skills. E.g. They know their strengths and make the most of them; they know their weaknesses and compensate for them.
The why… By exploring student self identity and increasing students’ intrapersonal knowledge, I hope to cultivate a stronger sense of self which will lead to an increase in students’ self esteem. By making students more self aware, I hope to help them become more successful people By making students more self aware, I hope to help them become more successful people
Self Portrait Project Part 1 Using manual SLR cameras and traditional darkroom techniques, create a self portrait. Self Portrait Project Part 2 Using a digital SLR camera and image editing software (Photoshop), create a self portrait. The purpose of the self portrait is: To communicate something about oneself To increase one’s intrapersonal knowledge
Social Context + Technology = Visual Representation of Today We rely on and are surrounded by photographic and visual representations of ourselves and others Identification - driver’s license, status cards, etc. Internet - especially social networking sites: MySpace Nexopia Bebo Facebook Avatars
Avatars: an internet user’s representation of him/herself Forums Instant-messaging Computer games Virtual worlds
The Action Research: Baseline data Student motivation (daily) Photoshop CS2 Literature review and other research Howard Gardner, Daniel Goleman, Bob Dalton from UVIC
Baseline Data from 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 Class/Grade – 2005/2006 Assignment # of students % assignments handed in on time Average % earned Art 8 Self portrait drawing assignment Art 9 Self portrait drawing assignment Art 10 Self portrait drawing assignment Art Foundations 11 Self portrait drawing assignment /2007 Class/Grade – 2006/2007 Assignment # of students % assignments handed in on time Average % earned Art 8 Self portrait drawing assignment Visual Arts: General 10 Identity Project Art Foundations 11 Identity Project Visual Arts: Media Arts 12 Portrait146470
Field Study Data from 2007 Class/GradeAssignment # of students % assignments handed in on time Average % earned Art 9 Self Portrait: Self Identity Visual Arts: General 10 Self Portrait: Self Identity Art Foundations 11 Self Portrait: Self Identity Art Foundations 12 Self Portrait: Self Identity Visual Arts: Media Arts 12 Self Portrait: Self Identity (Manual SLR and Traditional Darkroom Methods) Visual Arts: Media Arts 12 Self Portrait: Self Identity (Digital SLR and Image Editing Software) *Volleyball a factor affecting timely completion of projects by the VAMT 12 female students
The data shows that students were more motivated during the Self Portrait Project Part 2 which used digital photography and image editing software. I believe the increased motivation led to a higher average class percentage on the final digital piece compared to B&W I believe that more learning occurred as a result of the integration of technology. Because of the findings and the experience, I decided to alter the traditional self portrait unit in Art to incorporate digital photography
Student Samples – VAMT 12 Self Portrait Project Part 2
Student Samples Self Portrait, Self Identity
Support systems: Megan Gregory, Honours Student BFA, University of Victoria Robert Dalton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Victoria Surrey TLITE cohort, especially mentor Susan Hunter-Jivung and my mentor group Kim Halayko and Paul Beland - administrators at Lillooet Secondary School