Learning Objective: To begin to understand how the technical aspects make audience meaning, focusing on: - Mise-en-scene - Cinematography
Starter What are the 5 main technical aspects? Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Performance
Audience Meaning All of the individuals jobs within various film departments collaborating with the director come together to make a film that an audience will hopefully understand. Some films are more obvious than others depending on their audience e.g. Films aimed at children. Films will use various ‘codes and conventions’ to send the message to an audience. One of these codes is the technical codes otherwise known as film grammar… Film grammar works in much the same way as English language grammar. Just as commas, apostrophes and full stops help us understand the written word, fades, cuts and establishing shots work to create film meaning for the audience.
Nothing is done by accident… If you were to watch a clip form a film and be asked why did the director decide on that shot you probably wouldn’t definitely know the answer unless you’d spoken to the director and asked them. So we as film students have to deduce what we think was implied by a particular shot, angle, choice of music, sound effect, costume design or editing decision. Remember nothing has been done by accident - every technical and creative decision has a purpose.
Cinematography and Mise En Scene Why focus on these two? These are two of the most important areas in sub consciously creating meaning for the viewer. Once we understand these, we understand the way that films communicate their plot and meanings.
Mise-en-Scene Pronounced “meez ahn sen”, it is a French term and originates in theatre Of all the technical aspects mise-en-scene is the one that we are likely to be most familiar with. When a film finishes we may not remember the camera shots or editing but we can usually recall some elements of the mise- en-scene So, what is it? Mise-en-scene refers to everything that appears in the film frame
Elements of mise-en-scene What makes up mise-en-scene? In pairs list those elements that you think are covered by the term Location / Setting Props Costume and Make Up Lighting Use of colour Character positions All elements are controlled by the director – accidents in film are rare! Mise-en-scene is crucial in creating the world of the film and meaning for the viewer
Cinematography Photography – the art of capturing a still image Cinematography - The art of capturing a moving image Director Of Photography (DOP) or Cinematographer 4 main components: Angles Movement Positions Shots
Analysing audience meaning Task: Watch this clip from the film ‘Children of Men’. Make notes on: –Mise-en-scene –Cinematography