StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T European Sights to See Right Away - European Sights Worth Visiting – designed by Mariana Sava a cross-curricular WebQuest for 9 th graders with basic computer skills and a good command of English intermediate - upper-intermediate level cross-curricular subjects: English, European Citizenship, Geography, Social Studies, ICT
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Start Europe is an old continent with wonderful places and an intriguing history; besides this, it is a melting pot of very different cultures. An online magazine which you enjoy reading is holding a competition for the best article entitled "4 European Sights Worth Visiting". You and your classmates are willing to participate, so go to "Task" to find out what you are supposed to do.Task
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Task Your task is: [a] to write an article (about 300 words) using Microsoft Word [b] to make an oral presentation entitled " Four European Sights Worth Visiting" describing a European town or city You must mention what a visitor can see and do there and explain why it is a good choice for tourists. Be sure to include photos of the most famous sights. For this article you and your classmates will research a few European places by using a variety of Internet resources and exchange ideas and knowledge each other. Good luck!
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Process Step 1 You will be divided into 4 groups, corresponding to the 4 countries, of 7 students. Each group will brainstorm: geographical position, population, economy, main town/cities, cultural stereotypes; Each member in your group will be assigned one of the following roles:
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T ROLES [a] the rubber-necker → sights [b] the customs-and-traditions digger → crafts fairs
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T [c] the outgoing guy → restaurants/picnic areas/barbecue areas [d] the daredevil → adventure parks/theme parks/ amusement parks /Things_To_Do-Bucharest-Herastrau_Park-BR-1.html
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T [e] the art lover → museums/art galleries/ libraries national_gallery_of_modern_art_galleria_nazionale_darte_moderna_rome_italy [f] the opera/theatre-goer → theatres, operas the_performing_arts_rome_italy [g] the nature lover → green parks, botanic gardens, zoos
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Step 2 Your group will need to choose which town or city to research Each individual group member will complete their section of the Town/City Guide using the Links
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Bucharest – London – Paris - Rome
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Step 3 Get back with your group members and share your new found information and pictures.
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Step 4 Read the following advice carefully and select (together with your group members) only the information and photos which are relevant to the description of the place; Then choose one of your group members who is good at typing and ask him/her to write the article (about 300 words) by putting all your paragraphs together; Proofread your article and make sure you have all the information to make your article complete. Do not forget to include some photos, too.
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Step 5 Make an oral presentation in 7 mixed groups of 4 (representing the 4 countries ), each playing a certain role (from a to g); The audience (the rest of the groups) will decide which capital has the most to offer the holiday maker; the winner(s) will be offered a special place on the English page, (English, my love) of the school’s literary magazine (Floare albastră) to express their view in the form of an essay; Present your article to the other groups and together with your teacher choose the best one and take part in the competition for the best article entitled "European sights worth visiting". Good luck!
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Additional Links Here are some useful links that can help you find information about fascinating places from all four corners of Europe. Please use the following link (copyright- friendly images for education) to download and insert pictures in your article. Do not forget to mention "Courtesy of Pics4Learning". Fact files about Romania, UK, France and Italy: Click on the links below to find out information about Bucharest, London, Paris and Rome Bucharest, Romaniahttp:// London, UKhttp:// Paris, France Rome, Italyhttp://
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Advice Organisation: When we write a descriptive article about a place, we can divide it into four paragraphs. in the introduction we mention the name and location of the place and the reason for choosing it. in the second and third paragraph we write about what a visitor can see and do (sightseeing, museums/art galleries, theatres)/roles: a, e, f in the fourth and fifth paragraph we write about entertainment, nightlife and eating out (shopping, restaurants/clubs - traditional food, amusement parks, zoos/botanic gardens) / roles: b, c, d, g in the conclusion we make general comments and recommend the place to visitors.
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Advice GRAMMAR We normally use Present Tense in this type of writing. LEXICAL STRUCTURES To describe the location of a place you can use the following phrases: [Name] is situated/located in: - in the east/west/south/north of... - on the west/east/etc. coast of... - in the centre/heart/middle of...
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T Advice VOCABULARY To make our writing more interesting we should use a variety of adjectives such as: wonderful, magnificent, exciting, charming, awe-inspiring, breath-taking etc. (instead of good, nice etc.) ARTISTIC IMAGERY To make a description of a place more vivid, we can refer to our senses (describe sights, sounds and smells): brightly-coloured houses, the delicious smell of grilled fish etc.
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StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T End Congratulations! You have learnt lots of interesting things about breathtaking places from Europe. Click on the links below and take the quizzes. If your score is at least 80% (for each interactive exercise), it means you are a well-informed young European. Good luck! /los/04/silter/ prodtobeeuropean/proudtobeeu.htm 2005/los/04/silter/ prodtobeeuropean/proudtobeeu.htm french/Paris%20Quiz.doc french/Paris%20Quiz.doc k
StartTaskProcessLinksAdviceAssessEnd T CREDITS Courtesy of: fUGsVs 724fUGsVs
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