Activity 3: Skills and qualification skills progression into employment.


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Presentation transcript:

Activity 3: Skills and qualification skills progression into employment

OCMW Kortrijk: Work placement program in child care: 8 child care centres with a total of 11 places 8 beneficiaries in the program, 2 will start any time now Mentor vzw does not participate in this action Action 1: Work placements

OCMW Kortrijk: volunteering opportunities to prepare beneficiaries or as a way to gather work experience 1 beneficiary: voluntary work in preparation of a work placement program Mentor vzw: learning from partners about voluntary work Action 2: Volunteering as a route way to employment

OCMW Kortrijk: inventory of  existing trainings  needs in child care sector  expectations of future employers Mentor vzw: Testing several training contents for beneficiaries in child care work experience places June 2011: evaluation of the modules by beneficiaries and supervisors in child care work experience places Action 3: Skills training (child care)

Modules that have been piloted: Working in child care (6 hours) Development of the child (15 hours) Social skills (6 hours) Learning to learn (3 hours) 8 beneficiaries are attending the different modules on a weekly base Action 3: Skills training (child care)

OCMW Kortrijk: guidance of 4 beneficiaries towards tailor made training of Mentor vzw on filming, editing and photography  Infosession for beneficiaries by OCMW Kortrijk  Training is being developed by Mentor vzw  Voluntary work during Easter holiday (Tapas Deluxe, activities for children in neighbourhood centre V-tex) Action 3: Skills training (other)

OCMW Kortrijk & Mentor vzw: Host of several visits from project partners to social economy initiatives in Kortrijk  October 7th 2010: Ahoi and Mobiel  … ? Action 4: Social enterprises and community service learning programmes

OCMW Kortrijk: preparative talks with Mentor vzw Mentor vzw: presentation of suggestion of a cross border tailor made skills audit on neighbourhood level  Monitoring Committee 4, Day 2 (March 30th) Action 5: Skills audit

Ongoing evaluation of key performance indicators by co- workers from OCMW Kortrijk and Mentor vzw (local) Action 6: Evaluation of skills training methodologies, highlighting good practices

With the support of: