Qualifications to be a Missouri voter: You MUST be: A citizen of the United States A resident of the state of Missouri 17 years and 6 months of age and will be 18 by election day Registered prior to the election NOT imprisoned NOT on probation or parole (felony) NOT convicted of a voting crime NOT declared legally incapacitated
How to register: By mail Request an application from your local election authority – the County Clerk’s office in Hillsboro in the Administration Building on Maple Street Request an application from OR
How to register: IN person At your local election authority (County Clerk’s office in Hillsboro Administration Building At a driver’s licensing office At the Jefferson County Library At other designated state agencies OR At Jefferson College
What information do you need? You need to provide your home address and mailing address if it is different Your driver’s license number and/or the last four digits of your social security number
What next? The application is reviewed and information verified by the County Clerk’s office You will be sent a notice that it is being reviewed, this is not your voter ID; you will not receive your voter ID until after you vote the first time In order to prove who you are the first time you vote you will need to bring your state issued identification, driver’s license, or student ID
Voter Registration Deadlines: In Missouri, you need to be registered to vote by 5:00pm on the fourth Wednesday prior to the election. (Jefferson College will accept cards until 3:00pm on registration deadline dates.)
Does one vote count? In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German In 1845, one vote brought Texas into the union In 1876, one vote gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency of the United States In 1993, the largest tax increase to date passed the U.S. House of Representatives by one vote In 2000, Bush won the state of Florida over Gore by only 537 votes - that is more than one, but it isn’t many more
Yes, One Vote Can Change Everything!!!