session two
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Challenge 1: Begin your Winsome list of people to pray for Challenge 2: This week look for an opportunity to take a conversation deeper Feedback from session one
Fifty years ago…
The world today
How do we explain the gospel? 1 Story 2 Sin 3 Jesus 4 New Life
1 Story
The Big Story 1.God made the world and he loves it 2.God created us to look after the world 3.It has gone wrong because of us 4.Jesus came to this earth for the whole world 5.God has a purpose for the world and asks us to join in
Model 1: My Story
2 Sin Today, people have no idea what sin means… What terminology helps us unpack what sin is?
Broken relationships
Model 2: Four Points
3 Jesus How can people be asked to follow Jesus if they have no idea who Jesus is or what Jesus stands for?
Jesus and the Cross What happened at the Cross and how does that inform how I explain the gospel?
The Cross Trading Places (Substitution) Declared Innocent (Justification) Born again (Regeneration) Being made Holy (Sanctification)
The Cross Rescue (Redemption) Bring Together (Reconciliation) Turn away Wrath (Propitiation)
Resurrection Story of the disciples
Model 3: Let the Bible speak The Samaritan woman at the well – John 4 The woman caught in adultery – John 8 Blind Bartimaeus – Mark 10 Emotional authenticity Language Jesus’ life story and the impact of the cross
4 New Life A new understanding of what it is to be human
New code for living Mark 12:29-31 Love the Lord your God – a high value of God Loving and present in Christ Love your neighbour... – a high value of people, made in the image of God...As yourself – a high value of ourselves and our identity in Christ Sacrificial Love – Christian love demonstrated in our lives and actions.
Model 4: New Living Q: What are the three best things about being a Christian? Q: What is one of the hardest things about being a Christian?
Recap: The 4 Models 1 My Story 2 Four Points 3 Let the Bible speak 4 New Living
Challenge: Use one of the four models to share or explain the gospel this week