Meanskirk Church This is the spire, the highest point of a church building, pointing towards heaven where Christians believe their prayers are heard This tall part of a church is called a steeple In Old churches they would have a bell that would be rung to tell people that the service is about to begin. Mearnskirk also has a clock to show people the time Lots of churches point to the east because that is where Jerusalem is where Christianity started Lots of churches are built in a cross shape as a cross is the most important symbol of Christianity because it shows that Jesus died on a cross and he came back to life Another cross This is a stained glass window. Lots of churches have these because they told stories about the bible
I was really impressed with all the artefacts we saw at the church and how it made it more real because sometimes when we get pictures you don’t always know what they mean so it was good to see them when we studied stuff in our groups. Afterwards a lady belonging to the church told us more about how some things like a chalice is used in the service. The chalice was over 250 years old yet still looked good. She was very nice and it was good to see and touch lots of the things we had been learning about in school.
In a church they also hold christening services. This means a baby toddler or child gets christened by a priest or a minister. Many wear a christening gown. They then become members of the Christian church. Godparents and parents promise that they will bring the child up in the love of God. Although Baptist churches have a pool so adult can be baptised. Water symbolises new and fresh start. They also believe that the person should make their own decision to become a Christian. Although I am not a Christian I believe it is very nice to be a member of a church
We found out that one of the most important things in a church is the Altar or a Communion Table which is on raised platform as it reminds Christians of a table which Jesus sat with his disciples last meal together at the Last Supper when he gave them bread and wine so at some services Christians have communion. That is why it is called a communion table.
The Pulpit where the minister who is called Rev Joe, can stand while giving the sermon. This is when he tells everyone what the story in the Bible is about and when he tells some jokes too. Sometimes someone else stands at the Lectum and reads from the Bible. I like the cloth over it. it is very colourful and pretty
On the pulpit is a Celtic Cross. A cross is a very important symbol which reminds Christians that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. We made super Celtic crosses in class. We learned how to make celtic knots and other designs and used gold and silver to colour them with. I made my initial with Celtic writing just like the monks who made the Book of Kells