Order in Bivouac, 1:1-10:10. God continued to speak to Israel out of the tabernacle. A census revealed 2-3 million people. God arranged them by tribe.


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Presentation transcript:

Order in Bivouac, 1:1-10:10. God continued to speak to Israel out of the tabernacle. A census revealed 2-3 million people. God arranged them by tribe around His presence. He separated Israel unto Himself and cleansed them, lest they should error in their hearts. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Progress on the March, 10:11-36 Progress on the March, 10:11-36. God led Israel through the desert in orderly array. The leaders were placed in front, a defense perimeter round about, and His presence in their midst. But there was a mixed multitude who trailed behind and complained against order and progress. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Murmuring Against God, 11:1-12:16 Murmuring Against God, 11:1-12:16. As they traveled, they longed for Egypt, complained about the hardships, and chafed under the law. Even Aaron and Miriam were jealous of Moses. That generation, which saw the mighty works of God, tested the Lord in the desert. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Believing the Majority Report, 13:1-14:45 Believing the Majority Report, 13:1-14:45. They halted at Kadesh and sent in 12 scouts. Two said, “Let’s go in.” But the people believed the ten who said, “The Canaanites are giants and we are as grasshoppers.” God said they would wander forty years until they died in the desert. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Christ the Rock, 15:1-20:13. Korah’s revolt against Moses and Aaron led to more Levitical instructions. After wandering 38 years they still complained of no water. God told Moses to speak to the rock but he struck the rock. God judged them. They would die and the scepter pass to Joshua. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Marching to Moab, 20:14-21:35. God defeated their enemies but still they murmured. God judged them by sending fiery snakes to bite them but He also provided a remedy. Moses made a bronze snake, placed it on a pole and held it up. All who looked, lived. Christ was made sin for us. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Seeking the Uncircumcised Daughters of Moab, 22:1-25:18 Seeking the Uncircumcised Daughters of Moab, 22:1-25:18. Moab’s king hired Balaam to curse Israel. But God prohibited him from cursing them, spoke to him by the mouth of his donkey, gave him a Messianic revelation and had him killed because of his doctrine of deceit to intermarry. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Dividing the Promised Land, 26:1-36:13 Dividing the Promised Land, 26:1-36:13. God took a census of the new generation, instructed them on godliness, made Joshua their new leader and gave them victory over Moab. God gave them six cities of refuge, divided the land among the twelve tribes and placed Himself in their midst. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

A Heart Right with God. God wanted them to love Him, obey His Law and reflect a contrite heart. Jesus told a story of a priest and a Levite who had the same evil heart as that generation. But a Samaritan helped him, thus obeying the law and revealing a contrite heart in touch with God. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

Numbers: Outline Key Verse: How long will this people provoke Me? How long will it be before they believe Me? Num 14:12. A. PREPARATION AT SINAI FOR THE TRIP TO CANAAN TO ENTER GOD'S REST: 1:1-10:10 1. Placing the twelve tribes of Israel around the tabernacle: 1:1-10:10 2. Arrangement of the tribes when traveling to Canaan: 10:11-36 B. FAILURE OF THAT GENERATION, WHO SAW HIS MIGHTY WORKS IN EGYPT, TO ENTER INTO GOD'S REST BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF: 10:11-20:13 3. Murmuring instead of trusting while traveling from Sinai to Kadesh leads God to punish that generation He redeemed out of the bonds of Egypt: 10:11-12:16 4. Rejection of the Promised Land by the majority leads God to be angry with that generation who provoked Him in the desert: 13:1- 14:45 5. Rebellion in the ranks of the leadership leads God to explain the method He uses to keep believers clean and the source of that cleansing water: 15:1-20:13 C. PREPARATION OF THE NEW GENERATION TO ENTER THE PROMISED LAND: 20:14-36:13 6. The trip to Moab teaches the snake-bitten new generation to look to God and live: 20:14-21:35 7. Conquering the East Bank of the Jordan River teaches the new generation that the remedy for wrong practice is to be jealous toward God by hating sin just as God hates sin: 22:1-25:18 8. Preparation for dividing and conquering the Promised Land teaches the new generation to remember that their covenant-keeping God is holy and faithful, Who keeps His Word: 26:1-36:13 E. CONCLUSION: DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS. 9. God wanted all Israel to love Him and reflect a contrite heart in touch with God. The Mosaic Law was a reflective light but Christ appeared as a shinning light, Who said, “Let your light so shine.” The Bible says of Jesus Christ, “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men” Jn 1:4. Copyright 2013. Reprinted from Baptist Bible Graphics. www.biblegraphics.com

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