Chapter 17 Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance Q1: How did the merchant class in northern Italy influence the Renaissance? Quick Review: Renaissance: Rebirth of classical Greek and Roman thinking Why Italy: Thriving city Wealthy merchant class Classical heritage of Greece and Rome
Answer: Dominated political life Merit based, not inherit social status FOCUS: individual acheivement
Chapter 17 Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance Q 2: In what ways did literature and the arts change during the Renaissance?
Answer: Literature & Art Classics led to humanism, history, literature, philosophy Enjoy life without offending God Led to a secular society (Here and now) Lit: Vernaclular Machiavelli Art: 3D, Realist Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo
Chapter 17 The Northern Renaissance Q1: What did northern European rulers do to encourage the spread of Renaissance ideas
Answer Hired artists from Italy Follow up Question: Why did the artists leave? Italy sounds like a pretty cool place to live at this time.
Chapter 17 The Northern Renaissance Quick Review Q2: How were the Christian humanists different from the humanists of the Italian Renaissance? Christian Humanists: Church needs to inspire people to live Christian lives Italian Ren: Revive classical thought
Answer Reform society through education 1440: Gutenburg…THE PRINTING PRESS Decreased the cost of books which allowed for increase in distribution of books
Legacy of the Renaissance Great Artistic change Great social change: Church to the Individual Increase education through books
Chapter 17 Lots of review: Luther leads the Reformation Lots of review: Q1: Why did the Holy Roman emperor go to war against Protestant German princes? Reasons for weak church: Renaissance idea of individual Printing press spread secular ideas Merchants resented paying church taxes Church leadership was accused of being corrupt
Answer They threatened the church and followed the ideas of Lutheranism Who was Martin Luther? 95 Thesis
Chapter 17 The Reform Continues Quick Review: Q1: In what ways was John Calvin’s church different from the Lutheran Church? Calvin was Swiss (studied under Huldrych Zwingli and Luther) Luther was Germany
Answer Calvin brings order to the faith Luther began He focused on the relationship between God…salvation…and man.
Chapter 17 Q1: What are three legacies of the Reformation? The Reformation Continues Q1: What are three legacies of the Reformation?
Answer Expansion of Protestant churches and new denominations Increased role of education by both Catholics and Protestants Increase of development of the nation-state Questioning authority which laid groundwork to the Enlightenment
Chapter 18 Q1: Why were the Ottomans such successful conquerors? The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire Q1: Why were the Ottomans such successful conquerors?
Answer Warrior tradition Highly effective social structure Efficient and enforced government with code of law Freedom of religion
Chapter 18 The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire Q2: Why was Selim’s capture of Mecca, Medina, and Cairo so significant?
Answer They represented great cities and now they fell under the power of the Ottomans.
Chapter 19 Q1: What factors helped spur European exploration? Europeans Explore the East Q1: What factors helped spur European exploration?
Answer Battle for Empire Renaissance Technology and ideas Expansion of trade (trade with East) THE THREE G’s GOD, GOLD, GLORY
Chapter 19 Europeans Explore the East Q2: Why were the Dutch so successful in establishing a trading empire in the Indian Ocean?
Answer They were a leading sea power and by 1600 had the largest fleet of ships in the world.
Chapter 19 Q1: Why did China undergo widespread industrialization? China Limits European Contacts Q1: Why did China undergo widespread industrialization?
Answer Do to all the European exploration to the East, China was forces to industrialize to keep up as a trade partner. By the 1500s China’s official trade policy reflected isolationism. I wonder why?
Chapter 19 Q2: What did Christian missionaries bring to China? China Limits European Contacts Q2: What did Christian missionaries bring to China?
Answer Knowledge of European science and technology, but Christianity did not take root.
Chapter 19 Japan Returns to Isolation Q1: Why was the time between 1467 and 1568 called the period of the “Warring States”?
Answer The centralized government fell to the decentralized territory lords or samurais. Civil war dominated this time.
Chapter 19 Japan Returns to Isolation Q2: What was the difference between the Confucian ideal of society and the real society of Japan?
Answer Confucian: agriculture centered society/farmers Real society: commerce/merchants