13-3,4 Issues of Inner Cities and Suburbs Compare/Contrast
I.Review – Complete the following sentences: A) Today, the largest intraregional migration in the United States is from ………… to …………. A) Today, the largest intraregional migration in the United States is from ………… to …………. B) People are making this move because……………… B) People are making this move because………………
Answers: A) Today, the largest intraregional migration in the United States is from urban to suburban A) Today, the largest intraregional migration in the United States is from urban to suburban B) People are making this move because they want a change of lifestyle (yards, space, less crowded, less crime, etc.) B) People are making this move because they want a change of lifestyle (yards, space, less crowded, less crime, etc.)
II. INNER CITIES Physical Problems A) Deterioration A) Deterioration 1- filtering 1- filtering 2 - redlining 2 - redlining
B) Urban Renewal 1 – Public Housing 1 – Public Housing What City? CHICAGO!!! TO
C) Gentrification
III. Inner-City Social Problems A) Permanent Underclass A) Permanent Underclass
B) Homelessness (MDC’s)
C) Homelessness (LDC’s) 300,000+ in this city alone! What city is it? Calcutta, India
D) Traits of the Underclass 1- Lack of Job Skills 1- Lack of Job Skills 2 – Teenage Pregnancy 2 – Teenage Pregnancy
E) Culture of Poverty 1 – Crime 1 – Crime 2 – Ethnic/Racial Segregation 2 – Ethnic/Racial Segregation Which 2 Families are the Original ones? (no make-up)
What urban model best describes racial distribution? A) Burgess Concentric Zone Model A) Burgess Concentric Zone Model B) Hoyt Sector Model B) Hoyt Sector Model C) Harris Multiple Nuclei Model C) Harris Multiple Nuclei Model D) Dor Social Area Analysis Model D) Dor Social Area Analysis Model E) McNeal Chicago City Model E) McNeal Chicago City Model
Sector Model
IV. Inner-City Economic Problems A) Concentration of low-income residents leads to A) Concentration of low-income residents leads to lower income from taxes lower income from taxes greater need for services greater need for services Cities have either raise taxes or lower services – which one usually happens?????????????? Cities have either raise taxes or lower services – which one usually happens??????????????
B) Services often go first Examples: Examples: Close libraries Close libraries Less trash pick-up Less trash pick-up Fix pot-holes less often Fix pot-holes less often Don’t update schools Don’t update schools Leads to a cycle – causes more middle/upper class to move to suburbs – cities get even poorer because now these taxes leave!
C) No one wants to pay more taxes! Cities often try to create more Cities often try to create more “basic industries” “basic industries” or or “CBD development” “CBD development” to draw in more businesses that will pay taxes. to draw in more businesses that will pay taxes.
A LITTLE REVIEW! A) Today, the largest intraregional migration in the United States is from _______to____________. A) Today, the largest intraregional migration in the United States is from _______to____________. B) People are making this move because … B) People are making this move because … However, there are still “problems” associated with Suburbs.
13-4 Problems of Suburbs I. The Peripheral Model (North America only) I. The Peripheral Model (North America only)
A) Edge Cities Williams Town City of Roopchand Saco Estates
B) Density Gradient (pg 428 wb) Density declines as you move further from CBD (basic rule) Density declines as you move further from CBD (basic rule) 2 changes today: 2 changes today: 1- # living in CBD greatly decreased!1- # living in CBD greatly decreased! 2- less difference in density in suburban areas than used to be2- less difference in density in suburban areas than used to be
C) Cost of Suburban Sprawl pockets of development/pockets of open space cause: (USA) pockets of development/pockets of open space cause: (USA) 1 – more expensive services (roads)1 – more expensive services (roads) 2 – wastes land (agricultural)2 – wastes land (agricultural) 3 – wastes energy (car needed more)3 – wastes energy (car needed more) In Europe – sprawl is more controlled by “greenbelts” that surround many cities. (pg 429 wb)
II. Transportation and Suburbanization A) Historically, city growth was limited because people had to …. A) Historically, city growth was limited because people had to ….
B) Today, It’s all about the ______!
B) Cars (con’t) 1) suburban explosion 1) suburban explosion 2) universal ownership in USA except 2) universal ownership in USA except (95% of trips) (majority for???) (95% of trips) (majority for???) 3) interstates and cheap gas 3) interstates and cheap gas 4) 25% of land in cities 4) 25% of land in cities 5) MDC’s future (smart highways) 5) MDC’s future (smart highways)
What City? I love Miami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C) Public Transportation(USA) 1 – Rush-hour Commuting 1 – Rush-hour Commuting 2 – Advantages of public transport: 2 – Advantages of public transport: Because each traveler takes up less space –Because each traveler takes up less space – CheaperCheaper Less pollutingLess polluting Energy-EfficientEnergy-Efficient
3) Americans 3) Americans Will not give up Cars! Why?
Consider…. Average American spends over 36 hours a year sitting in traffic jams. Average American spends over 36 hours a year sitting in traffic jams. Yet public transportation has been reduced in the United States!
4) One Exception – “Rapid” Transit (Subways, trolley, light rail) These are These are being being built in the built in the US city US city most most infamous infamous for traffic for traffic jams????? jams????? Los Angeles, CA
5) Inner-City/Suburban Connection
D) Public Transportation (Europe/Japan) What City?? Berlin, Germany
The End! What are these people doing anyway??