Scale Feature that relates distances on a map to distances on Earth Book Definition Picture Feature that relates distances on a map to distances on Earth In your own words…
Elevation Height of a point on Earth above or below sea level Book Definition Picture Height of a point on Earth above or below sea level In your own words…
Topography General form and shape of the land on Earth’s surface Book Definition Picture General form and shape of the land on Earth’s surface In your own words…
Contour Line Book Definition Picture Line drawn on a map that connects all points having the same elevation In your own words…
Legend List of map symbols and their meanings Book Definition Picture In your own words…
Time Zone A way to measure standard time across the world. Book Definition Picture A way to measure standard time across the world. Earth is divided into 24 zones In your own words…
Index Contour Book Definition Picture Contour lines that are used for reference on a topographic map In your own words…
Benchmark Book Definition Picture A location on a topographic map where the exact elevation is known In your own words…
Contour Interval The difference between two consecutive contour lines Book Definition Picture The difference between two consecutive contour lines In your own words…
GPS Global Positioning System Book Definition Picture Global Positioning System An electronic way to determine exact coordinates on Earth In your own words…